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Thème juridique : Thèses monarchomaques

Thèses monarchomaques

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11 juil. 2007

Regulating the private military industry (Insight into an incomplete framework)

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international

In his farewell address to the American people, President Dwight Eisenhower warned the nation to be wary of the military-industrial relationship. Less than 50 years later public attention is once again directed to this relationship due to the unequalled privatization of the conflict in Iraq. The...

13 Mars 2009

Quelques réflexions sur la nature juridique de l'intervention du dirigeant au nom et pour le compte de la société

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit des affaires

En matière de sociétés commerciales, la nature juridique de l'intervention du dirigeant au nom et pour le compte de la personne morale a longtemps été controversée entre la thèse du dirigeant mandataire et celle du dirigeant organe social. L'adoption de la thèse du mandat, au sens...

30 Sept. 2008

The two equality directives of 2000: False-twins

Mémoire - 43 pages - Droit européen

2007, the “European Year of Equal Opportunities for All” in the European Union ended a few months ago, stressing on the question of the current anti-discrimination law in the Union. This initiative of the Commission took place in a general movement of the European Union toward a better...

13 Nov. 2007

La permanence du critère organique dans la notion d'ouvrage public

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit administratif

Les problématiques en droit administratif français sont soumises à un processus cyclique qui remet périodiquement des « notions-matrices » sur le devant de la scène doctrinale. Cette chronicité dans les thématiques juridiques repose sur le fait que les concepts-clefs du droit administratif, tels...

10 juil. 2009

The relationship between investment law and the human right: present provisions and proposals for the future

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international

Since 1945, the investment law became more and more important with the development of the transnational corporations and the direct investments abroad within the framework of the globalization of flows of capital. The relationship with the countries of the South sets a major problem in this...

07 août 2009

To what extent may gender-based crimes be considered an issue of international security?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international

"Rape remains the least condemned war crime; throughout the history, the rape of hundreds of thousands of women and children in all regions of the world has been a bitter reality." In the context of this statement, the term "gender-based crimes" refers to crimes committed against people because...

05 Janv. 2010

Migration Law - A Human Right to Migration in International Law and European Community Law

Dissertation - 11 pages - Libertés publiques

To answer the question of the existence of the human right to migrate, the notion of migration and human right themselves must first be studied. Migration can be defined as a movement of persons from one country or locality to another one. Only international migrations, from one country to...

10 mai 2010

Public international law - the problems associated with the proliferation of international judicial bodies

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit international

Since the end of the Cold War, a new phenomenon in international law has surfaced: the proliferation of international judicial bodies as a consequence of the increasing number of treaties. More than just a numeral observation, there have been changes concerning the nature and competences of...

02 juil. 2012

Prison labor: an assessment of its role and appropriateness

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Droit civil

“Labor is not only salutary because it is the opposite of idleness; but it is also contemplated that the convict, while he is not at work, shall learn business which would support him when he leaves the prison. The prisoners therefore are taught useful trades only; and among these,...

19 juil. 2010

La notion de société commerciale

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit des affaires

Il y a eu longtemps un débat doctrinal sur ce qu'est une personne morale. On considère dans ce monde juridique binaire que toute personne physique est un sujet de droit. Le problème de l'esclavage était que ces individus étaient des objets de droit et non des sujets de droit. Aujourd'hui,...

27 août 2007

Contracts in France, Germany and England

Fiche - 7 pages - Droit des affaires

The contract law assumes great significance because it touches all the activities of the society. The economic evolutions, the social evolutions and the political evolutions are as many factors, which enabled the evolution of the law. The great European legal models have their own system of...

11 juin 2006

Common land ownership in Scotland

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit autres branches

This essay was largely inspired by the working papers of Andy Wightman, Robin Callander, Graham Boyd and James Perman. James Perman is a Chartered Accountant from Largs. Andy Wightman, Robin Callander and Graham Boyd are independent authors and researchers who work together on occasion through...

28 déc. 2007

Study about the counterfelt in particularly on the Lacoste mark

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Propriété intellectuelle

According to the Larousse dictionary, the definition of a brand is 'the whole of the manufactured products, sold by a firm, company which is owner of this mark. It is the sign being used to distinguish products, objects or services '.This mark is immediately associated to the prestige,...

13 Janv. 2008

The Stability Pact

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel

“The Stability Pact is stupid, like all decisions that are rigid […]” this declaration made by Romano Prodi in an interview for the French newspaper: Le Monde in October 2002 had given a nasty turn to the economical and political European scene. This quotation of the former...

27 Janv. 2009

The evolution of human rights enforcement

Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit international

The end of the second world conflict has set the beginning of the institutionalization of Human Rights at a world scale: the previous events have indeed made most of the country think about a way to reach a world consensus about basic rights that each single human being could expect to be given...

17 juin 2014

Introduction to the Challenges of European and French Law in Legal Informatics

Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit européen

The " new technologies " which appeared thirty years ago and are characterized by a considerable development are subject to fundamental legal questions. The definition of new technologies remains vague and includes the information and communication technologies. The information and communication...

10 juin 2009

La représentation des collectivités territoriales par le Sénat, étude de l'article 24 alinéa 3 de la Constitution, par François Robbe

Fiche de lecture - 10 pages - Droit constitutionnel

C'est le thème du Sénat et celui du droit des collectivités territoriales qui retiendront l'attention de François Robbe lorsqu'il doit choisir le sujet de sa thèse pour l'obtention du doctorat en droit public. Son directeur de thèse, Michel Verpeaux lui conseille alors de se...

08 févr. 2010

Le tryptique justice-morale-droit, d'après H.-L.-A. Hart

Dissertation - 14 pages - Histoire du droit

La démonstration est terminée. On a élucidé le concept de droit selon Hart. Pourquoi Hart éprouve-t-il le besoin maintenant de s'interroger sur le rapport de la justice, morale et droit ? Certains disent que c'est curieux dans la mesure où sa construction est déjà originale, est-ce qu'il ne prend...

26 Mars 2013

Comparative public law essay

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Droit autres branches

Each and every one of us enters this world with a cry, and it is with this utmost fundamental expression of ourselves that we first convey to our parents our basic needs and wants, later expanding the scope of communication to friends and then the community. This is why speech—and thereby...

16 Mars 2010

Existe-t-il des libertés de premier rang et des libertés de second rang ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Libertés publiques

La question d'une hiérarchie entre les libertés ne se pose pas d'un point de vue formel. En effet, certaines libertés ont acquis un rang constitutionnel du fait de leur consécration par le juge constitutionnel alors que d'autres ne sont reconnues que par le législateur ou le juge ordinaire et...

16 juin 2010

La responsabilité du fait d'autrui - les grands arrêts

Cours - 13 pages - Droit civil

Ce document se constitue d'un résumé de cours sur la responsabilité du fait d'autrui , et les hypothèses spéciales visées par le Code civil, d'une fiche des grands arrêts faisant jurisprudence sur la question et du commentaire de l'arrêt d'assemblée plénière du 29 juin 2007. Extrait de...

08 août 2005

The Objectivity and Universality of International Human Rights Law : Two of its Utopian Claims ?

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international

The question of human rights and their consequences in the natural and objective scenarios are relative to the cultural context in which they arise. In this document, we will demonstrate how even if the instruments of Human Rights international Law try to defend a universal conception of Human...

20 Mars 2007

Les polémiques autour du statut de juridiction du Conseil Constitutionnel sont-elles dépassées ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Avant la V° république, il n'avait jamais existé en France de juridiction constitutionnelle digne de ce nom. Le rôle d'une telle juridiction consiste à donner des interprétations de la constitution qui s'imposent aux autres pouvoirs constitués et notamment au Parlement. Or, la tradition...

02 juin 2008

Peut-on affirmer qu'il existe une hiérarchie entre les droits et libertés garanties aux citoyens français ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Libertés publiques

Partageant les idéaux inscrits dans la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme et dans la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme des libertés fondamentales, la constitution française de 1958 garantit à chacun l'exercice et la jouissance de droits fondamentaux. Cependant, la question de...

09 déc. 2005

Implementation of European Law in a federal state: The Belgian case between coherence and autonomy

Fiche - 9 pages - Droit européen

‘Ultimately the impact of EU rules depends on the willingness and capacity of Member States authorities to ensure that they are transposed and enforced effectively and fully and on time' (Graver) . This statement from the European Commission in its White Paper on Governance deals with the...

10 Oct. 2008

Post-Conflict Justice in Rwanda

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international

Between April and July 1994, one of the largest atrocities of the 20th century occurred: the genocide of 800 000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus during the civil war in Rwanda. The country was inhabited by around 8 million people. This emphasizes the massive aspect of these slaughters. When the...

12 Mars 2009

UK and French legal system : structural and conception differences

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit civil

The governing laws and its legal system in France and the United Kingdom have major differences, as each of the legal systems have and are based on various views. France is governed by the Constitution of 1958. All the French laws are based on this text. In the United Kingdom, the laws are based...

14 avril 2010

The Implementation of the Third Pillar of the European Union in Hungary

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit européen

Hungary acceded to the European Union on the 1st May 2004, thus it is one of the newer member states of the organization. In this paper we are going to introduce the Hungarian implementation of five (former) third pillar issues. We will examine the legal background of these areas of...

15 févr. 2013

Droit de l'Union européenne

Cours - 114 pages - Droit européen

On discute beaucoup de la nature de la construction européenne; les thèses fédéralistes s'opposent aux thèses confédéralistes. Le juriste peut, lui, se borner à constater que quelle qu'en soit sa nature, l'organisation européenne repose incontestablement sur une organisation...

28 avril 2010

Contracts and tort law - Causation and loss of chance

Dissertation - 10 pages - Droit des obligations

When it comes to tort or contract litigation in the aim of obtaining damages, the most important aspect to take into account is the issue of causation. Indeed, without proving a causal link between the defendant's action and the claimant's harm, no liability can be held. This rigor is a means of...