Border Regulation, Freedom of Movement and Citizenship in the Third Pillar of the EU: Conflicting legal agendas.
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit européen
Within the United Kingdom (UK) there has been a long proud tradition of strong regulatory and independent oversight with respect to its national border security and integrity. The UK is a confederation of regional states some of which have semi-autonomous devolved legislatures, yet it...
The French Conseil Constitutionnel: In comparison with Constitutional Courts
Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit constitutionnel
I believe that constitutional courts play a major role in legal systems. After the introduction of the 'Conseil Constitutionnel' in 1958, Louis Favoreu, a public law teacher, claimed, 'L'Etat de droit est désormais complet en France'. Indeed, it is often considered that...
The President of the European Council
Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit européen
After years of ungoing debate over the need - or not- of a European presidency, on November 19th, the European Union Heads of State or Government elected unanimously the first stable and permanent President of the European Council, under the Treaty of Lisbon entering into force two weeks...
The Constitutionalisation of the treaties by the ECJ: The theories of direct effect and supremacy from the perspective of the French courts
Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit européen
The Community has developed with an inexorable dynamism of enhanced supranationalism. As a result, it has first been ruled by general principles of public international law to become an interstate governmental structure "per se " ruled by a "Constitutional Charter? . The Constitutionalisation is...
« In an EU of 25 members, all the old certainties will disappear. Discuss. »
Fiche - 6 pages - Droit européen
Europe has 15 member states. If the European Union is enlarged, it will not be the same at a bigger scale. The sphere of action of the European institutions is changing and it has to be adapted to a brand new structure. The socio-economic disparities between the Europe of 15 member...
Discuss the analysis and significance of the abduction and trial of Eichmann from an international law perspective, with reference to legal writing
Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit international
First, we will discuss whether the principle known as "the fruit of the poisonous tree? in the United States must be applied to the abduction of Adolf Eichmann or not. The violation of International law was "clear? according to Louis Henkin in 1968 but one cannot deny that the end...
Human Rights Law: Essay on the Human Rights Act
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit autres branches
The State's "margin of appreciation" doctrine is a fundamental component of the European Convention system of Protection of Human Rights. While human rights are not a state's private area of jurisdiction, the idea of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is that...
Is the American Constitution the best in the world?
Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel
"We, the people of the United States,?do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America?. By these words starts the American Constitution. This document was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention, led by Thomas Jefferson and George...
Freedom of expression, a right between inviolability and flexibility
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
The freedom of expression is one of the things that calls for conflicts. It is not permitted in the dictatorship in order to speak about everything. It is observed that very many subjects are forbidden. An example of a forbidden topic is the critical opinion on the power, on religion. The...
The amendment 8: is death penalty a cruel and unusual punishment?
Dissertation - 2 pages - Droit pénal
Amendment 8 of the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights, influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. It was added to the constitution in 1791, and states that "Excessive bail shall not be required, not excessive fines imposed, nor...
Medical advertisement
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international
In France, as in Europe, medical advertising is submitted to a legislation. Pharmaceutical laboratories have to be careful every time they issue a new medicine. There are only two countries which allow medical advertising which are the United States of America, and New Zealand. Indeed, in...
The duties of the board of directors
Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit fiscal
The corporation according to how we understand it today, came into existence in the 19th century because entrepreneur needed a device to raise capital from a large number of investors. According to the legal dictionary: the corporation is an organization formed with state...
Right to life
Cours - 3 pages - Libertés publiques
Over the centuries, the religions and philosophies of the whole world firmly followed the act of taking away human life. The international law of Human Rights tried in its turn to change this perspective with a number of treaties to protect human life against the arbitrary actions of different...
West Virginia vs. Barnette : the flag salute case
Commentaire d'arrêt - 2 pages - Libertés publiques
Refusal to salute the Flag shall be regarded as an act of insubordination' are the terms in which the Virginia statute let us see a beginning of answer to the questioning about the reasons why the State require a flag salute. Indeed, we understand that the real deal is between the...
Copyright of employed persons' creations
Fiche - 11 pages - Droit autres branches
In Australia, the copyright law gives the creator or the author of a piece of writing the first ownership of copyright. In fact, section 35(2) of the Copyright Act 1968 provides that: "Subject to this section, the author of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work is the owner of any...
To what degree does the Supreme Court have a 'political' role? And in what 'political' direction have the most recent courts taken the Supreme Court?
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Droit international
The judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous' in the department of power. This opinion, formulated by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist papers, relies on a restrictive vision of the role of judges, considered as 'mouths of the law'. According...
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Droit international
Following the American Civil Revolution, the federal government sought to grant protection of civil rights for those who have been neglected by it before: African Americans who have just been freed from slavery. This period was called the Reformation (between 1865 and 1877 when they tried to...
Recommendations to the French government concerning violations of the 'Article 28 EC
Commentaire de texte - 5 pages - Droit européen
One of the main objectives of the EEC at its inception was the Free Movement of Goods, a prerequisite in the achievement of an Internal Market, the raison d'être of the EU. The Article 28 EC prohibits Quantitative Restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect to a...
Community and the French constitution
Thèse - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
This quotation makes truly central the question of the relations between Community Law and national laws. Community Law enjoys the privilege of primacy over national laws, as a result of the Costa judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in 1964. In contrast with ordinary international...
The reality of Germany's fiscal federalism
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit fiscal
After the Second World War, the Allies set up a federal system in Germany, in order to prevent a Third World War from happening. They thought that a federation would divide Germany and reduce the influence of Prussia over the other constituents of the former Confederation of States. As a...
The situation of the European Union legal system with regard to international agreements
Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit européen
"The EU Member States may be divided into those whose legal order is monist and those whose legal order is dualist." In monist States, once an international agreement has been agreed to, its entering into force in the international legal order entails its entering into force in the...
The Stability Pact
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel
The Stability Pact is stupid, like all decisions that are rigid [ ] this declaration made by Romano Prodi in an interview for the French newspaper: Le Monde in October 2002 had given a nasty turn to the economical and political European scene. This quotation of the former...
Authors' rights in the Anglo-Saxon world
Dissertation - 8 pages - Propriété intellectuelle
The authors' rights are a very important problem of the modern economic world. The rules that regulate the authors' rights have always been created in the reaction of some social facts; they always have been late on the sociological and technical transformations. The first fundamental act...
Corporate governance under English common law : the respective roles of executive and non executive directors
Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit des affaires
The role of boards and its relationship to management must be clearly identified. The Companies Act provides that companies must have directors but does not define their functions. This is left to the articles of association, where the most undertaken practice consists of vesting the board of all...
The role of domestic courts as guardians of the European Convention on Human Rights and the role of the European Court of Human Rights as "ultimate guardian of the Convention"
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit autres branches
As the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe said, the European Convention on Human Rights has a fundamental role. It assures the protection of individuals and creates positive obligations for States to ensure such a protection on behalf of common values of the High Contracting...
The ninth amendment: origins and controversy
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Select one amendment from the Bill of Rights and research why the Founding Fathers found it necessary to state it, and explain what had happened in England or Europe that brought about that amendment? Remember that we were a colony of England's for over one hundred years before the...
Critically evaluate the impact upon EC jurisprudence and legislation of the judgement of the European Court of Justice in REWE Zentral AG Bundesmonopolverwaltung fur Branntwein "Cassis de Dijon"
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
Article 28 (ex-30) of the EC Treaty is one of the major principles governing the achievement in establishing the common market. It lays out a strong principle that imposes quantitative restrictions on imports and that all measures having equivalent effect will be prohibited between member...
The economics of the no-fault divorce law
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit de la famille
Marriage is a specific kind of contract "based upon a voluntary private agreement by a man and a woman to become husband and wife?. So in a sense, marriage is a contract like another one, the only difference being that the two contracting parties are strictly determined by the law as "only a...
Has the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Saadi v UK struck the right balance between the protection of human rights and the control of irregular migration?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen
The objective of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) may be defined to ensure the rights and fundamental liberties of any individual who enters the European territory and give remedies against unlawful actions by the States. However, it has in some cases had troubles to strike...
Privacy and surveillance society in the UK
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit international
"We live in a surveillance society ". This is the opening sentence of the Report on the Surveillance Society for the Information Commissioner published in September 2006. It states that Everyday life in the U.K. is monitored through the use of credit card, mobile phone, travel cards,...