The future of the EU - Federalization: a far-reaching goal of European integration ?
Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit européen
The debate on the future of Europe originated from the Nice Treaty. Two years ago, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer re-launched the idea of a European federation, which he called a "federation of nation-states?. The notion of "federation of nation-states? was inspired by...
Presidency of India
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Droit constitutionnel
The President of India is the head of State as the first citizen of India, and has therefore an important role to play in the political system. He has special duties and powers, which give him importance in the Indian political life. This function first appeared with the Indian...
Standard Oil of New Jersey v. U.S., 221 U.S. 1 (1911)
Commentaire d'arrêt - 21 pages - Droit autres branches
La question posée à la Cour Suprême dans l'arrêt Standard Oil of New Jersey v. United States est une question d'interprétation législative. Plus particulièrement, il s'agissait pour la Cour d'interpréter les sections 1 et 2 du Sherman Antitrust Act, ou loi Sherman, sur...
Free movement of goods and person within the Europe
Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit européen
Since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, the euro area is the geographical and economic EUROPE. Since 1957, new treaties such as Schengen and Maastricht were signed. Europe and its laws allow us to develop economic relations between the member states. Thus barriers fall, the duties are...
The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit international
The Preamble of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) first recognizes serious crimes committed in the 20th Centur. It refers directly to genocides and crimes against humanity committed all around the world in the past century. As recent examples of those terrible tragedies,...
The clash of universalisms, Corporate abuses of human rights and international corporate responsibility
Dissertation - 14 pages - Droit international
Economic History is a discipline not so distant from Law when it comes to understanding the complexity of relations mingling with the power of National States expressed by their faculty of producing law within a territory, and that of commercial enterprises. French economic historian...
Comparative study - sociological and legal perspective over the national and the EU policies in France, Sweden and Spain
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Droit européen
Professional immigration in France is organised in such a manner to complete the needs of companies and to be adapted to France's accommodation and working capacities, while taking into consideration economic situation in the country. France does not formally distinguish immigrants on the ground...
European Labour law: Compare and contrast the role and concerns of International Law with those of European Law in the field of Employment
Thèse - 7 pages - Droit européen
Employment law is a contract between an employer and an employee; it is issues regarding employment, workplace discrimination and other private law issues. With the evolution of the International and the European law, Employment law has evolved in parallel and must deal with new concerns. In...
NAFTA Dispute Settlement
Dissertation - 2 pages - Droit des affaires
This paper illustrates the tensions inherent to the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA dispute settlement mechanism. They also underline the difficulties encountered to establish a proper balance between two legitimate and contradictory interests, namely the protection of investors'...
Critically discuss the contributions of the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) movement to international legal scholarship
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international
After the World War II and its atrocities, a new international institution, the United Nations (UN) was created in 1945 to focus on the new challenges faced by the international community. One of the major challenges was the wave of decolonization which started between the two World wars. It was...
Jurors vs Judges: a power and knowledge issue
Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit autres branches
The jury system in the United States has been subject to a lot of controversy. Most Americans still support the basic concept of the jury trial, especially in criminal cases, where the juries are composed of average citizens as an important bulwark against the potential tyranny of the...
Competition law
Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit autres branches
Competition law has different forms of laws according to the causes of concern it has in various countries. The first aspect of its function is to protect individuals, consumers, against the power of monopolies or different corporations, and against agreements on various levels of production and...
The role (present and future) of the European Court of Justice in the protection of asylum-seekers in the European Union
Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit international
The European Court of Justice has laid down a legal Act pertaining to the judicial protection towards asylum seekers. However, this act is not completely flawless. Even if all the Member States ratify the new constitution and it be made effective thereafter, the future of the asylum...
L'Alien Tort Statute : un instrument controversé pour engager la responsabilité internationale devant les juridictions civiles américaines
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Droit international
L'Alien Tort Statute, également appelé Alien Tort Claim Act ou Alien Tort Act par la doctrine et la jurisprudence, fut adopté par le premier Congrès américain le 24 septembre 1789 en tant que partie intégrante du Federal Judiciary Act . Il est actuellement transposé à la section 1350 de l'article...
The evolution of European judicial cooperation in criminal matters since the Maastricht Treaty
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
This project intends to examine the objectives of judicial cooperation throughout the European Union (hereinafter EU) and the area of freedom, security and justice to ensure a high level of security by mutual recognition of judgment concerning criminal matters. Attention will be drawn to how...
?The Council of Ministers: key decision-maker and guardian of national interests' discuss
Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit européen
Before starting discussion of the role of the Council, one should point out the paradox on which the Council is built. The Council aims to be both a key decision-maker and a guardian of national interests. In that view, being a guardian of national interest might affect the credibility of the...
European Human Rights Law
Fiche - 3 pages - Droit européen
Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights, imposes a duty on States to protect and respect life, and has put to another level the importance of positive obligations on States. The lawfulness of intentional and unintentional killings as well as the level of effectiveness...
The Lisbon Treaty: European Federation?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen
The word 'federal' isn't mentioned in any European treaty. The European authorities have decided to avoid referring to this system of governance to talk about the European project. However, the concept of a European federation hides beneath all European treaties. Applied to...
The structure of the International Criminal Court
Fiche - 2 pages - Droit international
The ICC is composed of four organs: the Presidency, the Judicial Divisions, the Office of Prosecutor and the Registry. First of all, it is interesting to point out the functions of the Assembly of States Parties, the only non-judicial organ where States Parties can express...
The application of the European Arrest Warrant in the United Kingdom and its use in the fight against terrorism.
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit européen
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is a judicial decision issued by a Member State with a view to the arrest and surrender by another Member State of a requested person, for the purposes of conducting a criminal prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order.'...
The Implementation of the Third Pillar of the European Union in Hungary
Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit européen
Hungary acceded to the European Union on the 1st May 2004, thus it is one of the newer member states of the organization. In this paper we are going to introduce the Hungarian implementation of five (former) third pillar issues. We will examine the legal background of these areas of...
How has the Buckley v. Valeo decision affected campaign finance legislation and litigation?
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Droit autres branches
The Supreme Court by its recent decision Randall v. Sorrell of the 26th of June 2006 struck down a law of the state of Vermont which severely limited the amount of money a candidate for state offices can raise and spend. The Supreme Court's rationale was based on the violation by...
Quelles sont les limites imposées à l'invocation par un État non directement lésé de violations d'obligations erga omnes partes par un autre État au cours de la procédure de règlement juridictionnel ?
Mémoire - 3 pages - Droit international
La protection des intérêts de la communauté qui rassemble les valeurs fondamentales partagées par les États de la communauté internationale dans son ensemble est devenue un enjeu majeur du droit international. Selon le juge Bruno Simma, « international law has undoubtedly entered a stage at which...
Medellin v. Texas
Commentaire d'arrêt - 3 pages - Droit international
Medellin v. Texas is a Supreme Court decision dealing with the obligation of the American states to comply with a judgment of the International Court of Justice concerning the legal rights of people convicted in those states. Hence, what is at stake here is the issue of whether or...
International human rights law
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Droit autres branches
The right to life has been interpreted as both permitting exceptions and imposing obligations with regard to the death penalty. Discuss. Through centuries, religions and philosophies have strongly condemned the act of killing human life. The extend of states violence during the Second...
Should we stick to the stability and growth Pact?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
The Stability and Growth Pact is an essential element of the European Monetary Union and has been often criticized. One of the sharpest and most violent attacks came from the President of the European Commission, which is supposed to be the watchdog of the Treaties and laws, Romano Prodi who...
What are the various means allowing the pacific regulation of the disputes?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit international
The Hague Peace Conference of 1899, marked a new phase in the history of international arbitration. It ended by adopting a Convention on the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, which dealt not only with arbitration but also with other methods of pacific settlement. Then the league of...
Essay on the Rome Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations
Dissertation - 14 pages - Droit européen
The Rome Convention on the Law applicable to contractual obligations applies to contractual obligations in any situation involving a choice between the laws of different countries. The scope of the Convention is therefore clear; its aim is to regulate contractual relations between...
Ending contractual obligations: factors and discharge
Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit des obligations
The common law has always taken the view that people enter into contract voluntarily. It follows that if the contract was made without full knowledge of the facts, or if a person was forced to make a contract against his or her will, a court would consider that contract to be banned. The vast...
International intellectual property rights
Dissertation - 6 pages - Propriété intellectuelle
The Globalization of the world economy has redefined the relations between states and societies. Domestic regulations and international have trade merged and links between public and private sectors have gradually disappeared. This phenomenon was an incredible help for the development and...