Common law, statute law et equity - structure et articulation des diverses sources du droit américain
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international
Le système juridique américain semble à première vue quelque peu curieux pour une personne issue de la tradition civiliste du droit. Il se dit être un système de common law, c'est-à-dire où le droit est celui fait par les juges (plus précisément l'on parle de case law). Ceci ne...
International competition law: extraterritoriality matters, conflicts of decisions
Cours - 6 pages - Droit international
One criterion in Europe: effect doctrine. Competition rules exist on the European scale, but we don't have a worldwide competition law. In the past, the WTO tried to set up a worldwide code with antitrust rules: the Munich Group. It was hard to reach an agreement between countries,...
Global litigation and conflict of laws
Cours - 5 pages - Droit international
Whether A can have the Belgian court cease the proceedings pending before it on the basis that parallel proceedings are pending in France depends on whether the case at hand fulfills the criteria of parallel proceedings, which is that the proceedings must involve the same cause of action...
Le statut personnel, le statut des personnes physiques
Cours - 21 pages - Droit civil
Le statut personnel concerne ce qui en droit civil recouvre l'état et capacité des personnes. Cette catégorie est : étendue : car elle englobe à la fois le statut individuel (nom, domicile), et le rapport familial (entre époux, entre parents et enfants) limitée : droits extra...
La notion d'édition en ligne : vers la reconnaissance d'un statut d'éditeur en ligne ?
Mémoire - 37 pages - Droit autres branches
L'intensification des débats sur la responsabilité des contenus accessibles en ligne et les nombreuses décisions contradictoires accentuant le flou juridique sur la distinction hébergeur/éditeur ont amené le GESTE à prendre position.
English legal system: the Sources of English Law
Cours - 87 pages - Droit constitutionnel
The judicial decisions are the first to be found to develop a system. Today, they are still influencing the system as a whole. Judicial decisions have a weight that their continental counter part does not have. In England, under certain requirements, decisions are biding the judge with the...
Les différences Civil Law / Common Law
Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit autres branches
Dans le domaine du droit comme ailleurs, anglais et francais opposent une vision et une conception différente. A notre Civil Law, héritée du droit romain et du droit canon, l'Angleterre répond depuis le 12e siècle par la Common Law. Le passé colonial britannique doublé de l'avis du...
Albert Venn Dicey, "Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution" (commentaire de texte)
Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Commentaire qui prend en compte l'étude du Royaume-Uni à travers le commentaire d'un extrait de l'ouvrage d'Albert Venn Dicey Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution.
L'Alien Tort Statute : un instrument controversé pour engager la responsabilité internationale devant les juridictions civiles américaines
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Droit international
L'Alien Tort Statute, également appelé Alien Tort Claim Act ou Alien Tort Act par la doctrine et la jurisprudence, fut adopté par le premier Congrès américain le 24 septembre 1789 en tant que partie intégrante du Federal Judiciary Act . Il est actuellement transposé à la section 1350 de...
What are the main differences between the civil and the common law systems ?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
The majority of legal authors divide the legal systems of the world into two mains groups : the common law on one hand, and the civil law on the other hand . The most interesting is that when you try to find definitions for those words, you often find the basic definition, and then,...
Le juge aux États-Unis - la "common law" et la "roman law"
Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Les observateurs extérieurs au droit des États-Unis ne le connaissent parfois que par le biais des représentations filmiques et télévisées. Ainsi, il n'est souvent pas nécessaire d'être juriste américain pour connaître le fameux droit de garder le silence qui revient à celui que l'on arrête. De...
Has the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 gone far enough in reforming the English law of privacy?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit des affaires
Under the doctrine of privacy, which became entrenched in English law in the latter half of the 19th century , contractual rights and liabilities are limited to the parties to the contract. The mounting criticisms and arguments for reform have led to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)...
Difficulties of application of international law - Example of the Cambodia genocide
Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit international
This paper will show to the reader the difficulties which can appear in practice concerning the international criminal law. Indeed, several problems can occur. First of all, one has to know what the aim of the international criminal law is and we have to define what is the...
General principles of the Canadian constitutional law
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
As a former member of the British Empire, Canada has been widely influenced by certain aspects of the English law. The Canadian parliamentary system finds its origins in the British institutions that were settled after the conquest of 1760 and more particularly with the 1791 constitutional...
A critical analysis of the provisions made in family law for homosexual couples in Scotland and France with particular reference to adult relationships
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit pénal
The Homosexuality is not anymore a painful problem and in our days people speak easily about their homosexuality. The Homosexuality is severely condemned in sacred texts that approach questions link to procreation, the family model, filiations and for which, homosexuality is against nature. For...
L'accusation : comparez les systèmes de Common Law avec le système français
Dissertation - 7 pages - Procédure pénale
Montesquieu, dans son ouvrage la Défense de l'esprit des lois, a écrit « l'équité naturelle demande que le degré de preuve soit proportionné à la grandeur de l'accusation ». La citation peut faire référence à la nécessité d'apporter une preuve quasi irréfragable lorsque l'accusation est de nature...
Criminal law in European Democracy
Dissertation - 17 pages - Droit pénal
Criminal law refers to the need of justice in a society. The European region is called as a continent in geographical terms. However on a broader sense Europe is the Western fifth of the Eurasian landmass of the European Union. Criminal policy in democratic states should encompass the...
Treasure trove in English Common law
Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit civil
In English Law, there is an uneasy distinction between a category of fixtures and chattels. According to Kevin Gray & Susan Francis Gray, the difference between fixtures and chattels is that fixtures are "physical objects which are regarded as acceding to the realty" in opposition with...
"The concept of the Rule of Law as defined by Dicey still remains valid : it provides a measure against which we can judge the attitudes and actions of Parliament, Government and the courts"
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
The rule of law is often expounded as a pillar of the English Constitution. It was described by Lord Bingham as "the second great rock on which [Dicey?s] constitutional edifice was founded". It was referred to as a statute for the first time, in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005,...
Is a link with morality necessary for positive law to be valid law?
Fiche - 2 pages - Histoire du droit
Nowadays, a lot of examples show the will of imposing ethical values into life and law. One of the best illustrations is the introduction of the Convention of Human rights in 47 countries. There are many theories about the meaning of Law that can be dispatched in two groups named...
International business law: final assignment
Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit international
I am the president of Natural Vitamins Inc ("Natural Vitamins?) which manufactures and sells all-natural vitamins and food supplements in the United States, mainly through chiropractors. I founded the company with David and Corinne, owning about 65% of the capital all together. Our company,...
The Law Reform Committee Essay: Murder (Rethinking the Mandatory Life Sentence)
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
Sir Edward Coke stated in the Third Part of his Institutes that "of all felonies, murder is the most heinous". As such, murder has always received the most severe punishment the law could give; a law of King Canute stated that Aberemord 'caedes manifestae' was punishable by...
Co ownership in Land Law
Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit civil
In the year 2000, there were three sisters Hermione, Iris and Jocasta, who inherited their mother's house property. The house was transferred in their joint names and they simultaneously gladly occupied their respective portions. A squabble broke out between Hermione and Iris which resulted...
Histoire et statut de la Cour pénale internationale
Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit international
Le XXe siècle n'aura pas seulement été un siècle de conflits mais aussi un siècle rongé par des crimes perpétrés à grande échelle contre des populations civiles : massacre des Arméniens, horreur systématisée de la Shoah, exterminations massives au Cambodge, purification ethnique en...
Le Droit international privé spécial : théories des statuts et des conflits
Cours - 170 pages - Droit international
La loi personnelle au sens du DIP ? Dans la conception classique, en matière de statut personnel, les individus peuvent être soumis à leur loi nationale ou à leur loi personnelle. Pour la loi nationale, on a tendance à utiliser l'expression loi nationale ou loi personnelle. Mais les deux ne...
Competition law
Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit autres branches
Competition law has different forms of laws according to the causes of concern it has in various countries. The first aspect of its function is to protect individuals, consumers, against the power of monopolies or different corporations, and against agreements on various levels of...
L'analyse du statut de la Cour Pénale Internationale au regard du droit européen : CEDH et droit internes
Dissertation - 10 pages - Droit européen
L'adoption du statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale -CPI- le 17 juillet 1998, suivie de son entrée en vigueur le 1er juillet 2002, ont non seulement signifié l'instauration d'une nouvelle Cour pénale internationale permanente, mais aussi la mise en place d'un nouveau système judiciaire...
International law: history and definition
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international
Truth is that international law is neither a myth on the one hand, nor a panacea on the other, but just one institution among others which we can use for building of a better international order (J. Brierly, The law of nations, Oxford 1995). Law is a system of...
Essay on the Rome Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations
Dissertation - 14 pages - Droit européen
The Rome Convention on the Law applicable to contractual obligations applies to contractual obligations in any situation involving a choice between the laws of different countries. The scope of the Convention is therefore clear; its aim is to regulate contractual...
Women's difference in Law : essay on gender discrimination and Legal Equality
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit autres branches
In this document I will try to define the so-called differences between men and women, and see how they have been used to justify the discrimination against women. Secondly, I will analyze cases where gender differences are denied or not considered as strong enough to legitimate discrimination...