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Thème juridique : Say on pay

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07 Janv. 2016

The duties of the board of directors

Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit fiscal

The corporation according to how we understand it today, came into existence in the 19th century because entrepreneur needed a device to raise capital from a large number of investors. According to the legal dictionary: “the corporation is an organization formed with state governmental...

03 févr. 2011

CAVEJ L1 Anglais juridique

Cours - 222 pages - Droit autres branches

Wales remained a separate entity from England until the 16th century. Wales is composed of a number of principalities (principautés) with distinct characteristics. Those differences resulted in various conflicts until the middle Ages. Fortunately, in 1536, the Act of Union integrated together...

01 Janv. 2000

Les projets de réformes fiscales

Fiche - 3 pages - Droit fiscal

'Plus les peuples ont la faiblesse pour les innovations de la politique, plus leur est utile la stabilité insensiblement perfectible de du système des finances'. Cette maxime exposée par Léon Say dans son Dictionnaire marque la problématique de la réforme fiscale. Toute fiscalité,...

13 août 2009

International Business Law : three cases

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit des affaires

This paper talks about a buyer, located in Miami, who ordered 2,500 cell-phones from company for a total amount of $150,000 (including the shipping charge). But there were several problems with this order: the order was delayed and the phones were damaged by moisture during shipping. One of the...

25 avril 2008

Essay on restitution obligations throughout Europe

Dissertation - 18 pages - Droit européen

Restitutionary obligation is the response to unjust enrichment. Unjust Enrichment at the expense of another must be restituted in order to secure a corrective justice. On this very basis restitutionary, as opposed to compensation, aims to deprive the defendant of a gain rather than to compensate...

17 Mars 2014

Quelle imbrication d'institution et de contrat pour quelle conception de la société ?

Cours - 12 pages - Droit civil

L'article 1832 du Code civil dispose : « La société est instituée par deux ou plusieurs personnes qui conviennent par un contrat d'affecter à une entreprise commune des biens ou leur industrie en vue de partager le bénéfice ou de profiter de l'économie qui pourra en résulter. Elle peut être...

25 avril 2022

Droit spécial de sociétés : les différents types de sociétés et leurs caractéristiques

Cours - 114 pages - Droit des affaires

C'est un cours de droit spécial des sociétés. Au sein du droit spécial, il y a quand même une partie de droit commun, notamment en ce qui concerne les sociétés commerciales, car il existe un droit commun des sociétés commerciales. Il existe également un droit commun des sociétés par actions,...

06 févr. 2007

Reflexions sur l'inclusion sociale: La double contrainte des collectivités territoriales entre évaluation et prévention

Mémoire - 143 pages - Droit autres branches

“C'est une crise de sens, une crise de repères, une crise d'identité” Jamais sans doute de tels propos n'ont été autant justifiés que suite aux événements de violences urbaines sans précédent survenus lors de la première quinzaine du mois de novembre 2005, donnant ipso facto une...

13 Janv. 2008

The Stability Pact

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel

“The Stability Pact is stupid, like all decisions that are rigid […]” this declaration made by Romano Prodi in an interview for the French newspaper: Le Monde in October 2002 had given a nasty turn to the economical and political European scene. This quotation of the former...

05 mai 2002

Theory of direct effect

Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit européen

Born into the International order, the European Community law can touch people only through the juridical order of its Member State. Therefore arises the question about the relationship between EC law and domestic law. The EC law concerns much more directly individuals than the international law....

05 Mars 2008

International business law, allied tows, inc. in utopia

Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit des affaires

As a potential multinational firm, Allied Toys wants to implement a business development strategy in a predetermined country, in order to see if this model could be applicable as a 'worldwide development strategy'. The fact is that the Republic of Utopia is a country where setting up a...

26 Mars 2009

Contract Law: Wivenhoe Cycles Ltd and Easy-Transport plc

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit des obligations

On the 14th of July 2007, Wivenhoe Cycles Ltd wrote to Easy-Transport plc of London to provide a feasible advice on the lowest price for 100 units of Raleigh bicycles to be delivered on the 1st of September 2007. It so happened that Easy-Transport plc of London reverted the following day, to...

05 juil. 2009

The difficult application of canadian criminal law in Nunavut

Thèse - 57 pages - Droit international

With its creation in 1999, the new territory of Nunavut hoped to solve the social and economical problems it was facing. For the second time in the history of the Poles, indigenous people were given the right by the government to decide their future. The first Inuit to be recognized were the...

20 Nov. 2009

Medical advertisement

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international

In France, as in Europe, medical advertising is submitted to a legislation. Pharmaceutical laboratories have to be careful every time they issue a new medicine. There are only two countries which allow medical advertising which are the United States of America, and New Zealand. Indeed, in France,...

07 févr. 2010

The wearing of burqa in France

Dissertation - 8 pages - Libertés publiques

First, it is important to precise the definition of burqa, the term 'niqab' would rather be used instead since it is the appropriate designation of the garment used in France by the Muslim community. The situation popped up in 1994 in France when some girls wore the veil to school. The...

14 févr. 2010

International intellectual property rights

Dissertation - 6 pages - Propriété intellectuelle

The Globalization of the world economy has redefined the relations between states and societies. Domestic regulations and international have trade merged and links between public and private sectors have gradually disappeared. This phenomenon was an incredible help for the development and the...

02 Nov. 2010

La sous-capitalisation dans les états de l'Union européenne

Cours - 37 pages - Droit européen

Pour se financer, une entreprise dispose de plusieurs possibilités. Les plus classiques consistent à demander aux investisseurs de participer au capital de l'entreprise ou encore de lui prêter des liquidités. Chacune présente ses avantages et inconvénients. Alors que la première permet à...

03 mai 2010

Le juge aux États-Unis - la "common law" et la "roman law"

Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Les observateurs extérieurs au droit des États-Unis ne le connaissent parfois que par le biais des représentations filmiques et télévisées. Ainsi, il n'est souvent pas nécessaire d'être juriste américain pour connaître le fameux droit de garder le silence qui revient à celui que l'on arrête. De...

09 déc. 2023

Régimes juridiques des différentes sociétés

Cours - 12 pages - Droit des affaires

Ce document est un ensemble de fiches sur les différentes sociétés existantes, telles que SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée), SA (Société Anonyme), SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée), ou encore la société civile.

22 déc. 2016

Étude de droit comparé : les modes de fonctionnement de la Société Anonyme et de l'Aktiengesellschaft

Mémoire - 40 pages - Droit international

Se côtoient en Europe plus de 16 millions de sociétés de formes juridiques diverses et variées, de par leur objet social et de la fiscalité des États. Malgré l'attractivité que certaines formes juridiques peuvent développer, subsiste encore l'une des plus vieilles formes de sociétés, la Société...

30 Sept. 2008

The two equality directives of 2000: False-twins

Mémoire - 43 pages - Droit européen

2007, the “European Year of Equal Opportunities for All” in the European Union ended a few months ago, stressing on the question of the current anti-discrimination law in the Union. This initiative of the Commission took place in a general movement of the European Union toward a better...

15 Oct. 2009

Free movement of goods and person within the Europe

Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit européen

Since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, the euro area is the geographical and economic EUROPE. Since 1957, new treaties such as Schengen and Maastricht were signed. Europe and its laws allow us to develop economic relations between the member states. Thus barriers fall, the duties are...

13 juil. 2012

Tax havens and companies

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Droit fiscal

This dissertation will deal about Tax Haven in the world. I choose this subject because we recently spoke about tax haven in news, but I think nobody doesn't really realise its impacts on others societies and who are the real culprit. Its fight becomes more important; governments and associations...

18 avril 2010

Family Law: Comparison France Vs. China

Dissertation - 20 pages - Droit de la famille

During the last century, the Chinese government decided to abolish the old family system and establish a new family idea: the socialist family system (the Marriage Code of 1950). This marked a turning point in Chinese common law and the beginning of a new family way of thinking. With this new...

30 Janv. 2008

Parenthood in French law and filiation

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit de la famille

The purpose of this paper is first to understand French parenthood, namely the way to be the legal father or mother of a child. Investigating further, we will see whether the current legislation is modern enough or not, which will be our main question. Indeed, some scholars and politicians think...

29 mai 2004

La politique extérieure des Etats-Unis en matière de droit pénal international ou une conception autonome de la justice pénale

Dissertation - 20 pages - Droit pénal

Face à cette volonté internationale, maintes fois prouvée dans « l'histoire » du droit international pénal, d'établir une justice pénale inter-étatique, certains Etats, et non des moindres s'agissant des Etats-Unis, semblent s'opposer à cette internationalisation. Il s'agit...

02 mai 2007

Duress and undue influence

Mémoire - 25 pages - Droit des affaires

"It is assumed that the parties know their own minds, that they are the best judges of their own needs and circumstances, that they will calculate the risks and future contingencies that are relevant, and that all these enter into the bargain. It follows that unfairness of the bargain - gross...

24 mai 2008

A critical analysis of the provisions made in family law for homosexual couples in Scotland and France with particular reference to adult relationships

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit pénal

The Homosexuality is not anymore a painful problem and in our days people speak easily about their homosexuality. The Homosexuality is severely condemned in sacred texts that approach questions link to procreation, the family model, filiations and for which, homosexuality is against nature. For...

11 Sept. 2009

Jury selection in the United States of America

Dissertation - 6 pages - Procédure pénale

In the United States, when a trial takes place, it begins with the jury selection, which is the process whereby, according to law and precedent, members of a particular trial jury are chosen. The right to have a jury dates from the Magna Carta and it is incorporated in the Sixth Amendment of the...

12 Mars 2019

International competition law: extraterritoriality matters, conflicts of decisions

Cours - 6 pages - Droit international

One criterion in Europe: effect doctrine. Competition rules exist on the European scale, but we don't have a worldwide competition law. In the past, the WTO tried to set up a worldwide code with antitrust rules: the Munich Group. It was hard to reach an agreement between countries, mostly...