La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne (2004)
Mémoire - 30 pages - Droit européen
L'enjeu du présent mémoire sera de situer la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne dans le système de protection des droits de l'Homme en Europe, plus précisément au sein de l'Union européenne. Il s'agira d'abord de définir la nécessité politique et...
Le peuple ossète est-il opprimé ?
Cours - 5 pages - Droit international
On constate donc qu'au niveau juridique, la Constitution géorgienne tend à une égalité à tous les niveaux, et ce, en accord avec le droit international. De plus, on reconnaît et permet le droit des minorités, tant et autant que cela ne nuit pas à l'État (article 38.2 de la Constitution,...
Cours de droit constitutionnel (1re année-1er simestre)
Cours - 59 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Le droit constitutionnel est autonome car il ne concerne pas les rapports entre l'administration et les particuliers au niveau des rapports entre les pouvoirs législatif, exécutif et judiciaire. Il est autonome car aussi, il y a un droit constitutionnel français, mais aussi pour les autres...
What are the challenges facing the EU in its attempts to establish democratic institutional structures ?
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
Democratic deficit of the European Union has been a long-standing debate. The statement by the European Commission summarizes this fact. "It is time to recognize that the European Union has moved from a diplomatic to a democratic process, with policies that reach deep into national societies and...
Should we stick to the stability and growth Pact?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
The Stability and Growth Pact is an essential element of the European Monetary Union and has been often criticized. One of the sharpest and most violent attacks came from the President of the European Commission, which is supposed to be the watchdog of the Treaties and laws, Romano Prodi who...
The future of the EU - Federalization: a far-reaching goal of European integration ?
Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit européen
The debate on the future of Europe originated from the Nice Treaty. Two years ago, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer re-launched the idea of a European federation, which he called a "federation of nation-states?. The notion of "federation of nation-states? was inspired by J.Delors'...
Duress and undue influence
Mémoire - 25 pages - Droit des affaires
"It is assumed that the parties know their own minds, that they are the best judges of their own needs and circumstances, that they will calculate the risks and future contingencies that are relevant, and that all these enter into the bargain. It follows that unfairness of the bargain - gross...
La Chambre des Lords dans les institutions britanniques
Cours - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Afin dadministrer leur royaume et de rendre la justice, les rois d'Angleterre s'entourèrent d'un Grand Conseil, appelé Curia Regis et composé de nobles et d'évêques, qui prendra le nom de Chambre des Lords au XIVème siècle. Son autorité législative va aller en s'accroissant au cours des...
Influence of media and legal institutions on one another
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international
This essay aims at showing the necessary but dangerous interactivity existing between media and legal institutions: each of them need to be independent but in the same time they both need each other. The following pages will answer the subsequent problem: can legal institutions resist the media...
The role of the ECJ's (European Court of Justice) : the consumer who is reasonably well-informed and reasonably observant and circumspect
Dissertation - 14 pages - Droit européen
The legal term of the average consumer was created by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to protect the average consumer against unfair commercial practises. After the Second War World, many states were indeed inspired by Keynes's theory that aimed at division of resources and...
The european integration process and the institutionalisation of integration
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
This first lecture deals with the different approaches that can be followed in order to study the European integration. We focus our attention on three different way of studying: 'disciplinary' approach, 'theoretical' approach and finally 'political' approach. The...
"The State of exception" in France and the United Kingdom
Dissertation - 4 pages - Libertés publiques
The concept of state of exception belongs to the legal theory of Carl Schmitt. It is concerned by the state of emergencies based on the sovereign's ability to transcend the rule of law for or at least in the name of the public good. In the United Kingdom and France, the state of exception...
Le régime britannique est-il parlementaire ?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Montesquieu développa dans son célèbre ouvrage De l'esprit des lois une interprétation de la dévolution, amenant le constituant à séparer les pouvoirs tout en les faisant collaborer : ainsi fut conçu le régime parlementaire. Ce régime politique est fondé sur une séparation souple des...
Le Bhoutan : passage d'une monarchie absolue à une monarchie parlementaire
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Dans les hauteurs de l'Himalaya, le roi du Bhoutan, le plus jeune du monde - seulement 28 ans - a décidé d'abandonner ses prérogatives : la monarchie absolue devient une monarchie parlementaire. Le paradoxe tient au fait que la population bhoutanaise ne semble pas enchantée par le changement. En...
The relationship between investment law and the human right: present provisions and proposals for the future
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international
Since 1945, the investment law became more and more important with the development of the transnational corporations and the direct investments abroad within the framework of the globalization of flows of capital. The relationship with the countries of the South sets a major problem in this...
The Law Reform Committee Essay: Murder (Rethinking the Mandatory Life Sentence)
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
Sir Edward Coke stated in the Third Part of his Institutes that "of all felonies, murder is the most heinous". As such, murder has always received the most severe punishment the law could give; a law of King Canute stated that Aberemord 'caedes manifestae' was punishable by death without...
The Constitutionalisation of the treaties by the ECJ: The theories of direct effect and supremacy from the perspective of the French courts
Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit européen
The Community has developed with an inexorable dynamism of enhanced supranationalism. As a result, it has first been ruled by general principles of public international law to become an interstate governmental structure "per se " ruled by a "Constitutional Charter? . The Constitutionalisation is...
The concept of electronic contracting under English common Law
Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit des affaires
The internet and technology has provided a global marketplace and are being increasingly used for communications between businesses and by business to consumers. As e-commerce continues to grow at an increasing rate, a large number of transactions are being completed on time, particularly as...
Codécision : les objectifs de démocratie et d'efficacité sont-ils atteints ?
Fiche - 7 pages - Droit européen
Beaucoup critiquent aussi la faiblesse du Parlement, organe élu directement et représentant les peuples de l'UE, ce qui contribuerait au « déficit démocratique » des institutions communautaires. Mais qu'en est-il au regard de l'évolution et de la pratique de cette procédure ces dix...
« In an EU of 25 members, all the old certainties will disappear. Discuss. »
Fiche - 6 pages - Droit européen
Europe has 15 member states. If the European Union is enlarged, it will not be the same at a bigger scale. The sphere of action of the European institutions is changing and it has to be adapted to a brand new structure. The socio-economic disparities between the Europe of 15 member states and the...
Le nouveau cadre institutionnel européen. Etude du Traité établissant une constitution pour l'Europe (2004)
Mémoire - 101 pages - Droit européen
Après plusieurs mois de négociation entre les Etats membres, le Traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe fut signé à Rome le 29 octobre 2004 par les représentants respectifs des 25 Etats de l'Union. Nul ne sait aujourd'hui si ce Traité entrera un jour en vigueur, les peuples...
Peut-on parler de séparation des pouvoirs en Angleterre ?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel
De quelle séparation s'agit-il ? Le régime anglais applique-t-il à la lettre les enseignements de Montesquieu ? Doit-on évoquer une séparation organique des pouvoirs ? une séparation fonctionnelle ? L'imparfaite distinction des organes (I) conjuguée à une répartition fonctionnelle (II)...
La Constitution Anglaise - publié le 26/07/2006
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit constitutionnel
La constitution est un élément inhérent à l'existence d'une société politique. Elle précise les dispositions les formes et les rapports ayant trait au pouvoir ; que ce soit la hiérarchisation des différentes institutions politiques du pays où la supervision du rapport entre gouvernants et...
United Kingdom Immigration Laws, asylum laws and anti terrorism Laws
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international
In recent years, public attention has been focused on asylum seekers, but their numbers have fallen sharply. They are now less than 40,000 a year of whom only a quarter are given permission to stay in Britain, yet only one in five is actually removed. Meanwhile, other forms of immigration have...
A critical analysis of the provisions made in family law for homosexual couples in Scotland and France with particular reference to adult relationships
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit pénal
The Homosexuality is not anymore a painful problem and in our days people speak easily about their homosexuality. The Homosexuality is severely condemned in sacred texts that approach questions link to procreation, the family model, filiations and for which, homosexuality is against nature. For...
The evolution of European judicial cooperation in criminal matters since the Maastricht Treaty
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
This project intends to examine the objectives of judicial cooperation throughout the European Union (hereinafter EU) and the area of freedom, security and justice to ensure a high level of security by mutual recognition of judgment concerning criminal matters. Attention will be drawn to how...
The common law jury through the example of England and the United States
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit autres branches
In the common law countries, the jury takes a more prominent part in the judicial process than in the romano-civilist countries. The roots of the common law jury are archaic, but it has managed to survive, and to a considerable extent to thrive. In many common law countries, the right to trial by...
Dans quelle mesure peut-on dire du système des jurys qu'il est le pivot de la justice pénale en Grande-Bretagne ?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international
In the English criminal justice system, juries have existed for over a thousand years now. Since 1215 they are the usual method of trying criminal cases, and are considered as a really important institution in the English criminal justice process. However, in terms of statistics, trial by jury is...
Do you think Lister v Hesley Hall [2001] UKHL 22 was correctly decided by the House of Lords?
Commentaire d'arrêt - 4 pages - Droit pénal
On the 3rd May 2001, the House of Lords gave their judgment to Lister v Hesley Hall [2001] UKHL 22. By overruling a previous decision of the Court of Appeal; Trotman v North Yorkshire County Council [1999] LGR 584. The House of Lords widened the scope of vicarious liability to include acts of...
La révision constitutionnelle, selon les pays et la forme de constitution adoptée
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
La première constitution de même type que nos constitutions modernes à avoir été rédigée est probablement la Constitution des Etats-Unis de 1776. Comme chaque constitution, elle présentait les différents organes du régime politique américain d'alors, leurs relations entre eux et établissait un...