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Thème juridique : Rump Parliament

Rump Parliament

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12 mai 2005

The European Institutions

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit européen

The debates and referendums on the project of European Constitution will contribute greatly to give birth to a real European public opinion. The new generation of EU institutions will therefore have to serve not only the historic actors of the European construction - administrations and...

18 déc. 2014

Initiation à l'information et à la documentation européennes : Directive 2005-60 ou directive "Anti-blanchiment"

Dissertation - 12 pages - Propriété intellectuelle

La directive qui est analysée au cours de ce travail est la directive 2005/60/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil, datant du 26 octobre 2005 et relative à la prévention de l'utilisation du système financier aux fins du blanchiment de capitaux et du financement du terrorisme. Un marché...

07 févr. 2010

Advanced legal search and writing on the case of Gregg v Scott [2005] U K H L 2 and a discussion on the concept and outcome of including a so called Romalpa Clause in a contract as a form of security for a debt

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Droit international

A lot of people don't recognise writing is a craft. You have to take your apprenticeship in it as in anything else. What is true for an author is true for a lawyer. Legal Research and Writing is indeed a subject one has to apprentice in, in order to be able to later practice it properly. The...

27 Oct. 2001

The British Constitution: debate about constitutional reform

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Once widely admired, especially during the seventeenth century by French philosophers, the British constitution has now become a target for criticism. There have been strong debates regarding constitutional reforms that emerged after the democratic reforms of the nineteenth century to the...

23 Janv. 2007

How do the Federal Republic of Germany, Fifth Republic France and post-war Italy fulfil the criteria of Lijphart's 'majoritarian' and 'consensus' models of democracies?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel

This essay will attempt to analyse the Federal Republic of Germany, Fifth Republic France and post-war Italy thanks to Lijphart's work Democracy (1984). Lijphart classifies the ‘majoritarian' model (or ‘Westminster model') and the ‘consensual model', in function of specific...

03 juil. 2007

Abortion linked to international trade law

Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit international

There are different kinds and different methods of abortion nowadays. The spontaneous abortion, caused by natural causes, the elective abortion, the therapeutic abortion, which deals with the safety of the physical or mental health of women and the induced abortion, practices deliberately for...

06 Sept. 2022

Comment s'organise la relation entre le Parlement et le cabinet au sein du régime parlementaire britannique ?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Le document est une dissertation effectuée à partir de la citation de R. MUIR : « Dire que le Parlement contrôle le cabinet est une absurdité. La vérité est que le cabinet contrôle entièrement le Parlement ».

16 Janv. 2008

Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza case analysis

Commentaire d'arrêt - 4 pages - Droit autres branches

In the United Kingdom, where there is no written Constitution, the section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 has given the courts the prerogative to read and give effect to statutes “in a way which is compatible with the Convention rights ”. If it cannot be done so, the section 4(2)...

20 Janv. 2013

The major problem for European Union environmental law is that it has been marginalized by the failure to incorporate environmental requirements into other sectors of union activity. Discuss

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Droit autres branches

‘A healthy environment is essential to long term prosperity and quality of life and citizens in Europe demand a high level of environmental protection'. This quote from the European Commission and the introduction of the Sixth Environment Action Programme - 'Environment 2010: Our future,...

17 Nov. 2024

Typologie des régimes juridiques

Cours - 12 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Montesquieu expose une séparation entre les pouvoirs exécutif et législatif, mais avec une certaine collaboration, ce qui mène à une séparation souple des pouvoirs. Les révolutionnaires ont fait de cette théorie de la séparation des pouvoirs un principe essentiel. Le but de la révolution était...

29 mai 2010

Primacy / Supremacy of European Community Law against Sovereignty of the Member States

Mémoire - 25 pages - Droit européen

Today the European Union (EU) consists of 27 Member States; it reaches from the Atlantic coast of Western Europe all the way to the Black Sea of Eastern Europe. In the European Union, the most important and closest collaboration between the Member States happens via the European Community (EC)....

05 juil. 2009

The difficult application of canadian criminal law in Nunavut

Thèse - 57 pages - Droit international

With its creation in 1999, the new territory of Nunavut hoped to solve the social and economical problems it was facing. For the second time in the history of the Poles, indigenous people were given the right by the government to decide their future. The first Inuit to be recognized were the...

24 Nov. 2003

?The Council of Ministers: key decision-maker and guardian of national interests' discuss

Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit européen

Before starting discussion of the role of the Council, one should point out the paradox on which the Council is built. The Council aims to be both a key decision-maker and a guardian of national interests. In that view, being a guardian of national interest might affect the credibility of the...

30 juin 2009

Law making procedure in India

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Under the parliamentary form of government adopted by the constitution of India, the function of making law belongs to the legislature (art 107 -108). The law making procedure is a very important part of the democratic system. Indeed, it has to insure that the law passed does not endanger the...

12 avril 2010

Border Regulation, Freedom of Movement and Citizenship in the Third Pillar of the EU: Conflicting legal agendas.

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit européen

Within the United Kingdom (UK) there has been a long proud tradition of strong regulatory and independent oversight with respect to its national border security and integrity. The UK is a confederation of regional states some of which have semi-autonomous devolved legislatures, yet it maintains a...

14 avril 2010

The Implementation of the Third Pillar of the European Union in Hungary

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit européen

Hungary acceded to the European Union on the 1st May 2004, thus it is one of the newer member states of the organization. In this paper we are going to introduce the Hungarian implementation of five (former) third pillar issues. We will examine the legal background of these areas of justice-and...

26 Mars 2013

Comparative public law essay

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Droit autres branches

Each and every one of us enters this world with a cry, and it is with this utmost fundamental expression of ourselves that we first convey to our parents our basic needs and wants, later expanding the scope of communication to friends and then the community. This is why speech—and thereby...

18 mai 2009

How European Law Is Made?

Fiche - 1 pages - Droit européen

The European Union was created in 1992 by the Maastricht treaty. It is a structure which includes the European Community and its law which is by far the most important of EU laws and deals with economic and social rights. In addition to it, other sources of law complete the EU law such as the...

24 Sept. 2009

Death with dignity: press kit

Commentaire de texte - 12 pages - Droit autres branches

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek words eu, meaning 'good' and thanatos, meaning 'death'. However, the issue of assisted suicide is far from being pleasant. The expression "assisted suicide" refers to the deliberate speeding up of the death process of a terminally ill...

09 déc. 2009

The Lisbon Treaty: European Federation?

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen

The word 'federal' isn't mentioned in any European treaty. The European authorities have decided to avoid referring to this system of governance to talk about the European project. However, the concept of a European federation hides beneath all European treaties. Applied to states, in...

11 Oct. 2000

Is the European Commission more or less powerful than it should be?

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen

An analysis of the Commission's actual powers will enable everyone to understand that the Commission has extended and hardly controllable powers which can lead to a lack of democracy. However, in the meantime, it seems obvious that these extended powers are essential for the efficient...

05 Janv. 2010

Migration Law - A Human Right to Migration in International Law and European Community Law

Dissertation - 11 pages - Libertés publiques

To answer the question of the existence of the human right to migrate, the notion of migration and human right themselves must first be studied. Migration can be defined as a movement of persons from one country or locality to another one. Only international migrations, from one country to...

04 juil. 2008

Advantages and disadvantages of having a written Constitution: the example of United Kingdom

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel

A constitution is a legal document that sets out the relationships between the three main institutions of the state, that is to say the executive, the legislative and the judicial power, and that which also guarantees a certain amount of rights for the citizens. In a wider sense, and quoting...

10 juil. 2010

Le système constitutionnel britannique

Cours - 11 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Lorsqu'on évoque le système constitutionnel anglais, il faut d'emblée dire que c'est un système empirique, qui s'est forgé au gré de la pratique, au gré de l'histoire. Autrement dit, les règles constitutionnelles britanniques sont apparues au fil des besoins. La Constitution...

18 Janv. 2016

Droit constitutionnel - Les modèles et régimes constitutionnels étrangers - Les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni

Cours - 10 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Les Etats-Unis : C'est la première constitution écrite du monde en 1787, c'est un régime politique de référence spécifique qui n'a aucun équivalent. Les Pères fondateurs ont bâti un régime d'équilibre des pouvoirs très original. On retrouve dans le fédéralisme sur le plan vertical...

04 août 2009

La Constitution Anglaise

Dissertation - 10 pages - Droit constitutionnel

La constitution matérielle définissant l'attribution et l'exercice des pouvoirs est un élément indispensable à la fondation d'une société politique, en tant qu'instrument de limitation du pouvoir des gouvernants et de protection des droits fondamentaux des gouvernés. L'immense...

28 Oct. 2009

Criminal law : consent

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen

In criminal law, there exists a defense of consent. Within this defense, there is a general rule that a person cannot consent to his being caused actual bodily harm. No one can ever lawfully consent to his own death-R v Young . This opens the debate on issues related to euthanasia, illustrated in...

14 avril 2010

The French Conseil Constitutionnel: In comparison with Constitutional Courts

Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit constitutionnel

I believe that constitutional courts play a major role in legal systems. After the introduction of the 'Conseil Constitutionnel' in 1958, Louis Favoreu, a public law teacher, claimed, 'L'Etat de droit est désormais complet en France'. Indeed, it is often considered that...

15 juin 2012

Can constitutional courts be characterized as policy makers?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Droit de la concurrence

The theme of political role of judges is an old one in the literature of democratic countries. Indeed, Alexis de Tocqueville already tackled the “political importance” of the courts in his famous Democracy in America (1835). The reason is that there is inevitably, in modern democracies,...

19 juin 2010

La place de la chambre des Lords dans le système constitutionnel britannique

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel

« Si une seconde chambre n'est pas d'accord avec la première, elle est malveillante; si elle est d'accord, elle est superflue. » (Abbé Sieyes, cité dans S.D. Bailey, The Future of the House of Lords). Vieille de près de sept cents ans, la chambre des Lords du système britannique est constituée de...