Violations of human rights in Zimbabwe
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit international
Since 1998, the human rights situation has been deteriorating in Zimbabwe. President R. Mugabe intensified verbal attacks on the opposition, the judiciary and the press, as well as Zimbabwe's white minority, which amounted to the land crisis and practical violations of human rights. In...
The european integration process and the institutionalisation of integration
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
This first lecture deals with the different approaches that can be followed in order to study the European integration. We focus our attention on three different way of studying: 'disciplinary' approach, 'theoretical' approach and finally 'political' approach. The...
The future of Investment Regulation
Dissertation - 2 pages - Droit des affaires
An attempt was made to terminate the introduction of one general text relating to the regulation of the FDI. In other words, the cancellation of the draft text pertaining to the Multilateral Agreement on Investment ("MAI") which was elaborated through the patronage of...
Confessing antitrust criminals: The art of juggling with carrots, sticks and transatlantic disturbances
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Droit autres branches
Fighting cartels is not an easy business to be in. Companies operating cartels are of course very much aware of the illegality of their conduct under the antitrust laws. For that reason, cartels are typically operated in secrecy and considerable efforts are devoted by...
The future of the EU - Federalization: a far-reaching goal of European integration ?
Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit européen
The debate on the future of Europe originated from the Nice Treaty. Two years ago, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer re-launched the idea of a European federation, which he called a "federation of nation-states?. The notion of "federation of nation-states?...
The difficult application of canadian criminal law in Nunavut
Thèse - 57 pages - Droit international
With its creation in 1999, the new territory of Nunavut hoped to solve the social and economical problems it was facing. For the second time in the history of the Poles, indigenous people were given the right by the government to decide their future. The first Inuit to be recognized...
An evaluation of the harmonised treatment of unfair commercial practices
Étude de cas - 17 pages - Droit autres branches
The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005/29/EC (referred to as the Directive) has been adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on May 11th 2005 following the Commission's Green Paper on Consumer Protection of the European Union (EU)which set the grounds for the...
International law and normative unity
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international
In the Supreme Court of Canada's 1993 judgment in Hunt v. T & N Plc, Justice La Forest laid down the following goal to international law : develop ( ) co-ordination in the face of [the] diversity of the international system. In other words,...
General principles of the Canadian constitutional law
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
As a former member of the British Empire, Canada has been widely influenced by certain aspects of the English law. The Canadian parliamentary system finds its origins in the British institutions that were settled after the conquest of 1760 and more particularly with...
Family Law: Comparison France Vs. China
Dissertation - 20 pages - Droit de la famille
During the last century, the Chinese government decided to abolish the old family system and establish a new family idea: the socialist family system (the Marriage Code of 1950). This marked a turning point in Chinese common law and the beginning of a new family way of...
The two equality directives of 2000: False-twins
Mémoire - 43 pages - Droit européen
2007, the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All in the European Union ended a few months ago, stressing on the question of the current anti-discrimination law in the Union. This initiative of the Commission took place in a general movement of...
Free movement of goods and person within the Europe
Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit européen
Since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, the euro area is the geographical and economic EUROPE. Since 1957, new treaties such as Schengen and Maastricht were signed. Europe and its laws allow us to develop economic relations between the member states. Thus barriers fall, the...
The Relationship between international law of human rights and international law applicable to armed conflict
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international
In the modern scenario, the protection of human rights has found its rightful place in international law. It has been a revolutionary reform, as it had no significant place a few decades ago. The international law applicable to armed conflicts (also called international...
Principles and Practices of Consumer's Protection within the European Union
Dissertation - 19 pages - Droit européen
The objective of the European Union is to protect the health, safety and the economic well-being of its citizens. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the EU to promote the right to information, help in safeguarding the interests and encourage the member states to set...
Criminal law : consent
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen
In criminal law, there exists a defense of consent. Within this defense, there is a general rule that a person cannot consent to his being caused actual bodily harm. No one can ever lawfully consent to his own death-R v Young . This opens the debate on issues related to...
The Implementation of the Third Pillar of the European Union in Hungary
Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit européen
Hungary acceded to the European Union on the 1st May 2004, thus it is one of the newer member states of the organization. In this paper we are going to introduce the Hungarian implementation of five (former) third pillar issues. We will examine the legal background of...
The protection of consumers on Internet
Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit autres branches
The recent boom of the internet in Europe and the emergence of a new kind of commerce (e-commerce) led to a widening of the commercial offers that can be proposed to the consumers. Simultaneous with such an expansion in internet offering come the demand for online...
Public international law - the problems associated with the proliferation of international judicial bodies
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit international
Since the end of the Cold War, a new phenomenon in international law has surfaced: the proliferation of international judicial bodies as a consequence of the increasing number of treaties. More than just a numeral observation, there have been changes concerning...
Standard Oil of New Jersey v. U.S., 221 U.S. 1 (1911)
Commentaire d'arrêt - 21 pages - Droit autres branches
La question posée à la Cour Suprême dans l'arrêt Standard Oil of New Jersey v. United States est une question d'interprétation législative. Plus particulièrement, il s'agissait pour la Cour d'interpréter les sections 1 et 2 du Sherman Antitrust Act, ou loi Sherman, sur...
Introduction to the Challenges of European and French Law in Legal Informatics
Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit européen
The " new technologies " which appeared thirty years ago and are characterized by a considerable development are subject to fundamental legal questions. The definition of new technologies remains vague and includes the information and communication technologies. The information and...
Constitutional law applicable in the Anglo-Saxon - parliamentary sovereignty
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
One of the key characteristics of British Constitution is the dominance of the Parliament. The Parliament is the main legislative body in British Constitution. It is bicameral; and is composed of two chambers, the House of Lords and the House of Commons....
Contract Law : A review
Fiche - 8 pages - Droit civil
What is a Contract? A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties with mutual obligations. It's essentially a case law subject, i.e.,interpretations are made by judges while deciding on the legal issues....
To what extent is the criminal justice system consistent with article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights?
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit européen
At the heart of any legal system is the criminal justice system and is paramount that system is fair in order to be effective. This is ensured through a fair trial, without which, the whole system would be illegitimate. We only have to look to the political ?show trials' of the...
Recommendations to the French government concerning violations of the 'Article 28 EC
Commentaire de texte - 5 pages - Droit européen
One of the main objectives of the EEC at its inception was the Free Movement of Goods, a prerequisite in the achievement of an Internal Market, the raison d'être of the EU. The Article 28 EC prohibits Quantitative Restrictions on imports and all measures...
The distribution of power an its future evolution in the European decision making institutions
Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit européen
How is the power shared in the main European decision making institutions and how will it change with the near enlargement and the ratification of new institutional treaties? This paper analyzes the distribution of power in the European Commission, the Council of Ministers...
Critically evaluate the impact upon EC jurisprudence and legislation of the judgement of the European Court of Justice in REWE Zentral AG Bundesmonopolverwaltung fur Branntwein "Cassis de Dijon"
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
Article 28 (ex-30) of the EC Treaty is one of the major principles governing the achievement in establishing the common market. It lays out a strong principle that imposes quantitative restrictions on imports and that all measures having equivalent effect will be prohibited between...
Finnish administrative law: the administrative procedure in Finland from a French perspective
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit administratif
Finland has its own administrative judicial system. After the first decision by an administrative authority, the citizens can appeal to an administrative court system. It is composed of nine provincial administrative authorities, representing the first level of jurisdiction. Then,...
The differences between English case law and the French concept of « jurisprudence »
Dissertation - 2 pages - Droit autres branches
To begin, we can notice two concepts concerning the value granted to the decisions delivered by the jurisdictions of a state: indeed, states which use Common law (like the Great Britain or the United States of America), the concept of case law is preferred...
The protection of women under human rights law, international criminal law and international humanitarian law
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international
International Women's Day is on the 8th of March. It is a day for women to remember "nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development?. It is also an opportunity to look at the advances made in the protection of women. Women are all different but the...
The clash of universalisms, Corporate abuses of human rights and international corporate responsibility
Dissertation - 14 pages - Droit international
Economic History is a discipline not so distant from Law when it comes to understanding the complexity of relations mingling with the power of National States expressed by their faculty of producing law within a territory, and that of commercial...