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Thème juridique : Human Right Act

Human Right Act

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12 avril 2010

Border Regulation, Freedom of Movement and Citizenship in the Third Pillar of the EU: Conflicting legal agendas.

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit européen

Within the United Kingdom (UK) there has been a long proud tradition of strong regulatory and independent oversight with respect to its national border security and integrity. The UK is a confederation of regional states some of which have semi-autonomous devolved legislatures, yet it maintains a...

31 Mars 2006

?The European Union Court of Justice is more relevant for the advance of the EU political unity than the Commission and the Parliament' - Discuss

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen

The European Union's political role has been a big issue among the main theoriticians of the European Union. The place of the European Parliament and the Commission in the process toward political unity is obvious. The Commission, as the institution which has the power for an initiative, can...

12 avril 2010

The application of the European Arrest Warrant in the United Kingdom and its use in the fight against terrorism.

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit européen

The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is a judicial decision issued by a Member State with a view to the arrest and surrender by another Member State of a requested person, for the purposes of conducting a criminal prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order.' The EAW is...

08 Mars 2007

The consecration of the patient's autonomy

Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit autres branches

Pain, suffering and death are to some extent, inevitable in human life, though Health care must always seek to eliminate unnecessary suffering and untimely death. But it is easy to recognise that prolonging the process of dying us often undesirable. The difficulty encountered by medical...

19 juin 2009

Defamation on the internet

Dissertation - 4 pages - Libertés publiques

The internet has revolutionized the world in which we live. Through a computer and an internet connection, all of us can share our opinions and thoughts with the rest of the world without any intermediaries. We can create our own websites, send emails, and participate in newsgroups and chat...

19 juin 2009

Privacy and surveillance society in the UK

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit international

"We live in a surveillance society ". This is the opening sentence of the Report on the Surveillance Society for the Information Commissioner published in September 2006. It states that Everyday life in the U.K. is monitored through the use of credit card, mobile phone, travel cards, loyalty card...

10 juil. 2009

The installation of a phone mast near a school

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit civil

Peter is single and is employed by the Lobby Group Ltd., a professional, "non-profit" company that acts as a general lobby group for industrialists. Last year he moved to live in a town close to his place of employment. He discovered that the local green field site, adjoining the village...

08 juin 2009

La procédure pénale anglaise

Dissertation - 6 pages - Procédure pénale

La police joue dans la procédure anglaise un rôle particulièrement important, non seulement concernant l'enquête, mais également dans la décision d'inculper un suspect. Ses pouvoirs d'enquête sont encadrés par le Police and Criminal Evidence Act de 1984, par l'article 110 du Serious...

16 août 2010

Common law et civil law

Cours - 6 pages - Droit autres branches

- Les Etats de common law se distinguent par des Constitutions qui sont en fait à l'origine des lois votées par le Parlement de Westminster. Grande influence de l'agencement institutionnel né en Angleterre. - Pas de Constitution écrite au RU, cependant une série de grands textes (Magna...

06 août 2007

La Chambre des Lords dans les institutions britanniques

Cours - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Afin d‘administrer leur royaume et de rendre la justice, les rois d'Angleterre s'entourèrent d'un Grand Conseil, appelé Curia Regis et composé de nobles et d'évêques, qui prendra le nom de Chambre des Lords au XIVème siècle. Son autorité législative va aller en s'accroissant au cours des...

26 Sept. 2007

Le terrorisme en Angleterre

Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit pénal

La Grande Bretagne est habituée depuis fort longtemps aux attentats terroristes sur son territoire. En effet, elle a tout d'abord connu un terrorisme dit intra-étatique. motivé par des mouvements de protestation politique ou sociale. Ainsi en a-t-il été du problème irlandais. Celui-ci a pris...

23 Oct. 2013

Conflict of Laws

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit civil

The recognition of same-sex marriage is becoming an issue in many countries, and there are today 14 countries allowing same-sex marriage, including Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Brazil, South Africa, Argentina, and 11 states of the United States. In Ireland however, as...

04 juil. 2012

Assessing the impact of parental marital status in relation to Irish child law: should Constitution be amended?

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Droit des affaires

“It cannot be contested that a person born outside marriage, is a human person, equal to one born within marriage” . In this statement, Justice Walsh points out the differential treatment between marital and non-marital children which is derived from the Irish Constitution. By...

05 juil. 2009

The difficult application of canadian criminal law in Nunavut

Thèse - 57 pages - Droit international

With its creation in 1999, the new territory of Nunavut hoped to solve the social and economical problems it was facing. For the second time in the history of the Poles, indigenous people were given the right by the government to decide their future. The first Inuit to be recognized were...

18 avril 2006

Under what circumstances do you think states should intervene in humanitarian crises?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international

Humanitarian intervention deals with two academic fields: political philosophy and international law. The question of intervention depends on the morality and on the legality of the intervention. Is humanitarian intervention a moral duty for different states? Is humanitarian intervention a...

08 août 2005

The role (present and future) of the European Court of Justice in the protection of asylum-seekers in the European Union

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit international

The European Court of Justice has laid down a legal Act pertaining to the judicial protection towards asylum seekers. However, this act is not completely flawless. Even if all the Member States ratify the new constitution and it be made effective thereafter, the future of the asylum...

17 juin 2014

Introduction to the Challenges of European and French Law in Legal Informatics

Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit européen

The " new technologies " which appeared thirty years ago and are characterized by a considerable development are subject to fundamental legal questions. The definition of new technologies remains vague and includes the information and communication technologies. The information and communication...

15 févr. 2012

The fundamental constitutional principles of the British constitution

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel

The fundamental constitutional principles of the British constitution are: -The rule of Law -The separation of powers In basic terms, the rule of law is the supremacy of law other humankind. As early as the 4th Before Christ (BC), Aristotle a great philosopher explained that the rule of law is...

24 Sept. 2009

Death with dignity: press kit

Commentaire de texte - 12 pages - Droit autres branches

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek words eu, meaning 'good' and thanatos, meaning 'death'. However, the issue of assisted suicide is far from being pleasant. The expression "assisted suicide" refers to the deliberate speeding up of the death process of a terminally ill...

04 Oct. 2007

L'Alien Tort Statute : un instrument controversé pour engager la responsabilité internationale devant les juridictions civiles américaines

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Droit international

L'Alien Tort Statute, également appelé Alien Tort Claim Act ou Alien Tort Act par la doctrine et la jurisprudence, fut adopté par le premier Congrès américain le 24 septembre 1789 en tant que partie intégrante du Federal Judiciary Act . Il est actuellement transposé à la...

25 Mars 2009

Conditions of detention and "other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments"

Dissertation - 10 pages - Libertés publiques

On March 6, 2006, Alain Grignard, the deputy head of the Brussels police anti-terrorism unit declared on his return from a visit to Guantanamo-Bay with Anne-Marie Lizin, chair of the Belgian Senate: "At the level of detention facilities, it is a model prison, where people are better treated than...

15 juin 2012

Can constitutional courts be characterized as policy makers?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Droit de la concurrence

The theme of political role of judges is an old one in the literature of democratic countries. Indeed, Alexis de Tocqueville already tackled the “political importance” of the courts in his famous Democracy in America (1835). The reason is that there is inevitably, in modern democracies,...

04 juin 2008

The ninth amendment: origins and controversy

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Select one amendment from the Bill of Rights and research why the Founding Fathers found it necessary to state it, and explain what had happened in England or Europe that brought about that amendment? Remember that we were a colony of England's for over one hundred years before the...

04 mai 2009

Crime and euthanasia

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit pénal

According to the dictionary, a crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. We can also consider that a crime is a deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms and cultural standards that...

01 Mars 2005

Women's difference in Law : essay on gender discrimination and Legal Equality

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit autres branches

In this document I will try to define the so-called differences between men and women, and see how they have been used to justify the discrimination against women. Secondly, I will analyze cases where gender differences are denied or not considered as strong enough to legitimate discrimination...

23 févr. 2009

Torture in America: Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo scandals (2008)

Dissertation - 3 pages - Libertés publiques

Nowadays, torture is universally condemned by states, but it is also carried out by them. In most cases, the act of inflicting severe pain - as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty- takes place in secret. However, that secrecy is...

28 Oct. 2009

"The concept of the Rule of Law as defined by Dicey still remains valid : it provides a measure against which we can judge the attitudes and actions of Parliament, Government and the courts"

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen

The rule of law is often expounded as a pillar of the English Constitution. It was described by Lord Bingham as "the second great rock on which [Dicey?s] constitutional edifice was founded". It was referred to as a statute for the first time, in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, as an...

18 févr. 2008

L'instrumentalisation du concept humanitaire à la lumière du cas du Kosovo

Étude de cas - 52 pages - Droit international

« Lorsqu'un gouvernement (...) viole les droits de l'humanité, par des excès de cruauté et d'injustice qui blessent profondément nos moeurs et notre civilisation, le droit d'intervention est légitime. Car, quelque respectable que soient les droits de souveraineté et...

27 Oct. 2009

The Law Reform Committee Essay: Murder (Rethinking the Mandatory Life Sentence)

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen

Sir Edward Coke stated in the Third Part of his Institutes that "of all felonies, murder is the most heinous". As such, murder has always received the most severe punishment the law could give; a law of King Canute stated that Aberemord 'caedes manifestae' was punishable by death without...

27 Janv. 2011

Should trials be public? - A discussion

Thèse - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Regarding judicial process, every lawmaker has to choose between two forms of logic: a trial should either be secretly conducted in order to protect privacy, a fair investigation and especially the presumption of innocence, or the procedure should be made public to ensure public information,...