Women's difference in Law : essay on gender discrimination and Legal Equality
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit autres branches
In this document I will try to define the so-called differences between men and women, and see how they have been used to justify the discrimination against women. Secondly, I will analyze cases where gender differences are denied or not considered as strong enough to legitimate discrimination...
Torture in America: Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo scandals (2008)
Dissertation - 3 pages - Libertés publiques
Nowadays, torture is universally condemned by states, but it is also carried out by them. In most cases, the act of inflicting severe pain - as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty- takes place in secret. However, that secrecy is...
Principles and Practices of Consumer's Protection within the European Union
Dissertation - 19 pages - Droit européen
The objective of the European Union is to protect the health, safety and the economic well-being of its citizens. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the EU to promote the right to information, help in safeguarding the interests and encourage the member states to set up consumer...
Can constitutional courts be characterized as policy makers?
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Droit de la concurrence
The theme of political role of judges is an old one in the literature of democratic countries. Indeed, Alexis de Tocqueville already tackled the political importance of the courts in his famous Democracy in America (1835). The reason is that there is inevitably, in modern democracies,...
"The concept of the Rule of Law as defined by Dicey still remains valid : it provides a measure against which we can judge the attitudes and actions of Parliament, Government and the courts"
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
The rule of law is often expounded as a pillar of the English Constitution. It was described by Lord Bingham as "the second great rock on which [Dicey?s] constitutional edifice was founded". It was referred to as a statute for the first time, in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, as an...
La vie privée en droit anglais et sa protection
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit autres branches
Le droit anglais ne dispose pas à l'origine de dispositions permettant une protection efficace de la vie privée. La notion même de vie privée est indéfinie légalement malgré de nombreuses tentatives depuis le début du siècle. Sous l'influence de rapports de différents comités et des...
L'impact des paris en ligne sur le sport dans la législation européenne : Etat des lieux et solutions
Mémoire - 59 pages - Droit européen
Respect de l'adversaire, respect de soi, solidarité, Fair-play, règles du jeu... Les valeurs attachées au sport sont multiples et régulièrement prônées par divers acteurs aux intentions variées. Pourtant l'actualité sportive présentée diverge et s'apparente d'avantage à des activités de...
Le régime parlementaire britannique, une séparation souple des pouvoirs ?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Le système politique britannique trouve ses origines parmi la Grande Charte de 1215, le Human Rights Act de 1998 et le Constitutional Reform Act de 2005. Le système britannique présente pour le droit constitutionnel beaucoup d'intérêts. Tout d'abord, c'est un phénomène...
Why has the European Court of Justice been so central to the process of integration?
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit européen
Law is often still treated as if it were a separate field, clearly distinct from the economic or political spheres . As the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has never been given a lot of media coverage, most of the time, its role in the integration process is either disregarded or...
Compare natural law and legal positivist accounts of legal validity. Which is more convincing?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit autres branches
What is law? What a controversial and complex question! It is the raison dêtre of the philosophy of law, over many years, which is aim to understand the generals conditions which would render any putative norm legally valid. Does legal validity lie in the norm's content or in the...
?The European Union Court of Justice is more relevant for the advance of the EU political unity than the Commission and the Parliament' - Discuss
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit européen
The European Union's political role has been a big issue among the main theoriticians of the European Union. The place of the European Parliament and the Commission in the process toward political unity is obvious. The Commission, as the institution which has the power for an initiative, can...
Criminology and criminal justice system
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit pénal
This paper will discuss the following statement:"According to the White Paper Justice for All, the Government has succeeded in increasing prison capacity by 18 per cent, and has improved conditions inside prisons. £20 million has been invested to boost prisoners' learning facilities, and a...
Parenthood in French law and filiation
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit de la famille
The purpose of this paper is first to understand French parenthood, namely the way to be the legal father or mother of a child. Investigating further, we will see whether the current legislation is modern enough or not, which will be our main question. Indeed, some scholars and politicians think...
Section 172 of the companies
Commentaire de texte - 6 pages - Droit des affaires
The board of directors have exclusive powers in conducting the business of a company. Such a centralised decision-making process allows directors to act efficiently and independently from the company's other stakeholders but as Sealy and Worthington write, the risk is that directors...
Quelles sont les limites imposées à l'invocation par un État non directement lésé de violations d'obligations erga omnes partes par un autre État au cours de la procédure de règlement juridictionnel ?
Mémoire - 3 pages - Droit international
La protection des intérêts de la communauté qui rassemble les valeurs fondamentales partagées par les États de la communauté internationale dans son ensemble est devenue un enjeu majeur du droit international. Selon le juge Bruno Simma, « international law has undoubtedly entered a stage at which...
Trade Unions in the United-States
Dissertation - 2 pages - Droit du travail
The twentieth century witnessed major evolutions in the American workplace, from mass production, to automation, and all the way to the digital economy we know now. Workers' lives have evolved similarly, mostly gaining from the benefits during the century. American workers mostly have their...
Le terrorisme en Angleterre
Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit pénal
La Grande Bretagne est habituée depuis fort longtemps aux attentats terroristes sur son territoire. En effet, elle a tout d'abord connu un terrorisme dit intra-étatique. motivé par des mouvements de protestation politique ou sociale. Ainsi en a-t-il été du problème irlandais. Celui-ci a pris...
The Law Reform Committee Essay: Murder (Rethinking the Mandatory Life Sentence)
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen
Sir Edward Coke stated in the Third Part of his Institutes that "of all felonies, murder is the most heinous". As such, murder has always received the most severe punishment the law could give; a law of King Canute stated that Aberemord 'caedes manifestae' was punishable by death without...
La Chambre des Lords dans les institutions britanniques
Cours - 5 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Afin dadministrer leur royaume et de rendre la justice, les rois d'Angleterre s'entourèrent d'un Grand Conseil, appelé Curia Regis et composé de nobles et d'évêques, qui prendra le nom de Chambre des Lords au XIVème siècle. Son autorité législative va aller en s'accroissant au cours des...
Community and the French constitution
Thèse - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
This quotation makes truly central the question of the relations between Community Law and national laws. Community Law enjoys the privilege of primacy over national laws, as a result of the Costa judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in 1964. In contrast with ordinary international...
L'instrumentalisation du concept humanitaire à la lumière du cas du Kosovo
Étude de cas - 52 pages - Droit international
« Lorsqu'un gouvernement (...) viole les droits de l'humanité, par des excès de cruauté et d'injustice qui blessent profondément nos moeurs et notre civilisation, le droit d'intervention est légitime. Car, quelque respectable que soient les droits de souveraineté et...
La procédure pénale anglaise
Dissertation - 6 pages - Procédure pénale
La police joue dans la procédure anglaise un rôle particulièrement important, non seulement concernant l'enquête, mais également dans la décision d'inculper un suspect. Ses pouvoirs d'enquête sont encadrés par le Police and Criminal Evidence Act de 1984, par l'article 110 du Serious...
La notion de crime contre l'humanité
Cours - 23 pages - Droit international
La notion de crime contre l'humanité est un concept ancien mais elle ne trouve son origine juridique qu'après la Seconde Guerre mondiale avec l'instauration du Tribunal Militaire International de Nuremberg en 1945. Avant cette date, les actes portant atteinte à l'humanité étaient...
The Whistleblowers Protection under US Law
Dissertation - 1 pages - Droit civil
It is important to understand what whistleblower means. According to the dictonary - "A whistleblower is a person who alleges misconduct". Whistleblowers may report the misconduct to the lawyers, the media or state or federal agencies. In France everyone knows that this process can be extremely...
Should trials be public? - A discussion
Thèse - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Regarding judicial process, every lawmaker has to choose between two forms of logic: a trial should either be secretly conducted in order to protect privacy, a fair investigation and especially the presumption of innocence, or the procedure should be made public to ensure public information,...
General principles of the Canadian constitutional law
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel
As a former member of the British Empire, Canada has been widely influenced by certain aspects of the English law. The Canadian parliamentary system finds its origins in the British institutions that were settled after the conquest of 1760 and more particularly with the 1791 constitutional...
Corporate governance under English common law : the respective roles of executive and non executive directors
Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit des affaires
The role of boards and its relationship to management must be clearly identified. The Companies Act provides that companies must have directors but does not define their functions. This is left to the articles of association, where the most undertaken practice consists of vesting the board...
Le débat sur la réforme et / ou la suppression de la Chambre des Lords
Dissertation - 2 pages - Droit constitutionnel
La Chambre des Lords constitue la Chambre haute du Parlement britannique. Elle est historiquement composée de trois « catégories ». On distingue les pairs à vie, nommés par la Reine sous le titre de baron ou baronne qui peuvent siéger à vie. Puis, on note la présence de pairs héréditaires qui...
Medical advertisement
Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international
In France, as in Europe, medical advertising is submitted to a legislation. Pharmaceutical laboratories have to be careful every time they issue a new medicine. There are only two countries which allow medical advertising which are the United States of America, and New Zealand. Indeed, in France,...
De la prise en charge du toxicomane en détention et du suivi à sa libération
Mémoire - 65 pages - Droit pénal
L'incarcération demeure à ce jour, la réponse la plus radicale de la société aux comportements infractionnels qui génèrent des troubles à l'ordre social. Les peines y sont purgées, et imposent l'autorité du groupe dans l'application de ses lois. Si l'enfermement fait partie des solutions...