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Thème juridique : Human Act

Human Act

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10 juil. 2009

The protection of women under human rights law, international criminal law and international humanitarian law

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international

International Women's Day is on the 8th of March. It is a day for women to remember "nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development?. It is also an opportunity to look at the advances made in the protection of women. Women are all different but the group "women" is...

23 Nov. 2021

Le royaume-uni a-t-il une constitution ? - publié le 21/11/2021

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel

En 1769, selon le journaliste britannique Bagehot : "l'efficacité secrète de la Constitution anglaise réside dans l'étroite union, dans la fusion presque complète du pouvoir exécutif et du pouvoir législatif", ce qui définissait alors le régime parlementaire utilisé au Royaume-Uni. Mais...

29 Mars 2021

La Constitution britannique est-elle non écrite ?

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel

David Butler établit un constat fondamental "Toutes les Constitutions évoluent, mais une Constitution non écrite évolue dans l'ombre". Cette affirmation induit qu'il existe différents types de constitutions. Dans un État de droit, la Constitution est la règle la plus élevée de l'ordre...

29 mai 2010

Protection of homosexual rights by the European Court of Justice and influence of its decisions in member states' national legal order.

Dissertation - 14 pages - Droit européen

The institutionalization of Europe was done in favor of the protection of liberty and human rights. But, is this protection effective for sexual minorities and more precisely for homosexual community? In January 18th 2006, the Parliament of Europe adopted a resolution on homophobia. This...

03 févr. 2011

CAVEJ L1 Anglais juridique

Cours - 222 pages - Droit autres branches

Wales remained a separate entity from England until the 16th century. Wales is composed of a number of principalities (principautés) with distinct characteristics. Those differences resulted in various conflicts until the middle Ages. Fortunately, in 1536, the Act of Union integrated...

17 Janv. 2010

English legal system: the Sources of English Law

Cours - 87 pages - Droit constitutionnel

The judicial decisions are the first to be found to develop a system. Today, they are still influencing the system as a whole. Judicial decisions have a weight that their continental counter part does not have. In England, under certain requirements, decisions are biding the judge with the...

14 avril 2010

The Implementation of the Third Pillar of the European Union in Hungary

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit européen

Hungary acceded to the European Union on the 1st May 2004, thus it is one of the newer member states of the organization. In this paper we are going to introduce the Hungarian implementation of five (former) third pillar issues. We will examine the legal background of these areas of justice-and...

23 Oct. 2013

Conflict of Laws

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit civil

The recognition of same-sex marriage is becoming an issue in many countries, and there are today 14 countries allowing same-sex marriage, including Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Brazil, South Africa, Argentina, and 11 states of the United States. In Ireland however, as...

16 Janv. 2008

Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza case analysis

Commentaire d'arrêt - 4 pages - Droit autres branches

In the United Kingdom, where there is no written Constitution, the section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 has given the courts the prerogative to read and give effect to statutes “in a way which is compatible with the Convention rights ”. If it cannot be done so, the...

17 juin 2014

Essay: Poverty and Global Justice

Dissertation - 17 pages - Droit international

Pregs Govender is a deputy from the South African Human Rights Commission deeply implicated in Human Rights issues in South Africa. She strongly highlighted the urgency of the situation in South Africa concerning poverty by affirming that « Sixteen million people, mostly woman, in...

05 juil. 2009

The difficult application of canadian criminal law in Nunavut

Thèse - 57 pages - Droit international

With its creation in 1999, the new territory of Nunavut hoped to solve the social and economical problems it was facing. For the second time in the history of the Poles, indigenous people were given the right by the government to decide their future. The first Inuit to be recognized were the...

08 août 2005

The role (present and future) of the European Court of Justice in the protection of asylum-seekers in the European Union

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit international

The European Court of Justice has laid down a legal Act pertaining to the judicial protection towards asylum seekers. However, this act is not completely flawless. Even if all the Member States ratify the new constitution and it be made effective thereafter, the future of the asylum...

04 Oct. 2007

L'Alien Tort Statute : un instrument controversé pour engager la responsabilité internationale devant les juridictions civiles américaines

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Droit international

L'Alien Tort Statute, également appelé Alien Tort Claim Act ou Alien Tort Act par la doctrine et la jurisprudence, fut adopté par le premier Congrès américain le 24 septembre 1789 en tant que partie intégrante du Federal Judiciary Act . Il est actuellement transposé à la...

24 mai 2008

A critical analysis of the provisions made in family law for homosexual couples in Scotland and France with particular reference to adult relationships

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit pénal

The Homosexuality is not anymore a painful problem and in our days people speak easily about their homosexuality. The Homosexuality is severely condemned in sacred texts that approach questions link to procreation, the family model, filiations and for which, homosexuality is against nature. For...

04 juil. 2012

Assessing the impact of parental marital status in relation to Irish child law: should Constitution be amended?

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Droit des affaires

“It cannot be contested that a person born outside marriage, is a human person, equal to one born within marriage” . In this statement, Justice Walsh points out the differential treatment between marital and non-marital children which is derived from the Irish Constitution. By...

11 Janv. 2010

Right to life

Cours - 3 pages - Libertés publiques

Over the centuries, the religions and philosophies of the whole world firmly followed the act of taking away human life. The international law of Human Rights tried in its turn to change this perspective with a number of treaties to protect human life against the...

10 mai 2010

Constitutional law applicable in the Anglo-Saxon - parliamentary sovereignty

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel

One of the key characteristics of British Constitution is the dominance of the Parliament. The Parliament is the main legislative body in British Constitution. It is bicameral; and is composed of two chambers, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The main functions of the Parliament are...

08 Mars 2007

The consecration of the patient's autonomy

Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit autres branches

Pain, suffering and death are to some extent, inevitable in human life, though Health care must always seek to eliminate unnecessary suffering and untimely death. But it is easy to recognise that prolonging the process of dying us often undesirable. The difficulty encountered by medical...

24 Sept. 2009

Death with dignity: press kit

Commentaire de texte - 12 pages - Droit autres branches

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek words eu, meaning 'good' and thanatos, meaning 'death'. However, the issue of assisted suicide is far from being pleasant. The expression "assisted suicide" refers to the deliberate speeding up of the death process of a terminally ill...

08 déc. 2009

The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit international

The Preamble of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) first recognizes serious crimes committed in the 20th Centur. It refers directly to genocides and crimes against humanity committed all around the world in the past century. As recent examples of those terrible tragedies,...

06 mai 2010

Le travail à temps partiel en vertu de la législation polonaise du travail

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit européen

Part-time work is one of the most important forms of employment connected with the promotion of flexibility of working time. It relates to a wider phenomenon - the flexible, nearly free from labour law legal regulations, human resources management performed and modified according to the...

06 févr. 2011

European Labour law: Compare and contrast the role and concerns of International Law with those of European Law in the field of Employment

Thèse - 7 pages - Droit européen

Employment law is a contract between an employer and an employee; it is issues regarding employment, workplace discrimination and other private law issues. With the evolution of the International and the European law, Employment law has evolved in parallel and must deal with new concerns. In...

02 févr. 2003

The United States and the International Criminal Court: How valid are the US arguments for not joining the International Court ?

Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit international

A new jurisdiction in the history of international accountability of human rights is being set up, but with a limited action which makes it different than a world court. In this document we will analyze the justifications for the lack of commitment by the United States of America towards...

10 Mars 2009

Freedom of expression, a right between inviolability and flexibility

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen

The freedom of expression is one of the things that calls for conflicts. It is not permitted in the dictatorship in order to speak about everything. It is observed that very many subjects are forbidden. An example of a forbidden topic is the critical opinion on the power, on religion. The...

19 juin 2009

Privacy and surveillance society in the UK

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit international

"We live in a surveillance society ". This is the opening sentence of the Report on the Surveillance Society for the Information Commissioner published in September 2006. It states that Everyday life in the U.K. is monitored through the use of credit card, mobile phone, travel cards, loyalty card...

04 mai 2009

Crime and euthanasia

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit pénal

According to the dictionary, a crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. We can also consider that a crime is a deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms and cultural standards that...

10 juil. 2009

The installation of a phone mast near a school

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit civil

Peter is single and is employed by the Lobby Group Ltd., a professional, "non-profit" company that acts as a general lobby group for industrialists. Last year he moved to live in a town close to his place of employment. He discovered that the local green field site, adjoining the village...

07 déc. 2007

Authors' rights in the Anglo-Saxon world

Dissertation - 8 pages - Propriété intellectuelle

The authors' rights are a very important problem of the modern economic world. The rules that regulate the authors' rights have always been created in the reaction of some social facts; they always have been late on the sociological and technical transformations. The first fundamental...

22 févr. 2007

To what extent have developments in individual rights in Britain delivered family friendly working practices, and with what implications for all relevant stakeholders

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit des affaires

Since New Labour came to power in May 1997 some developments in employments rights have aimed to promote the balancing between work and family life: “Families are the core of our society, but they are under pressure. Women and men struggle with choices over work and family...

12 Janv. 2008

Euthanasia / mercy killing : right to die in dignity or murder ?

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit autres branches

Euthanasia or mercy killing is literally defined as "the practice of ending the life of a human who is incurably ill in a minimally painful way in the purpose of limiting suffering specially by a doctor or under his control." Euthanasia also concerns the act performed by anyone to...