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Thème juridique : Hard law

Hard law

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10 mai 2010

European Law - Article 30 of the Treaty of the European Union

Commentaire de texte - 4 pages - Droit européen

Article 230 of the Treaty of European Community is the principal Treaty which can challenge community norms. Four conditions have to be satisfied in order to allow this mechanism. First of all, the act has to be quoted by the article, secondly the institution or person who challenges the act must...

17 mai 2008

In the context of Arizona's tough laws on immigration, is it possible to strike a balance between the economic interests of employers and the rights of migrants?

Dissertation - 2 pages - Droit du travail

Immigration is one of the most controversial topics. Indeed, the United States and particularly the State of Arizona witnessed an explosive population growth owing to which immigration became the subject of a rancorous debate and to illustrate this fact, we can mention that 16.8 percent of the...

08 juil. 2004

The concept of electronic contracting under English common Law

Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit des affaires

The internet and technology has provided a global marketplace and are being increasingly used for communications between businesses and by business to consumers. As e-commerce continues to grow at an increasing rate, a large number of transactions are being completed on time, particularly as...

12 août 2008

International business law: the "Peach International Inc" case

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Droit international

The Peach International Company is a start-up specialized in the "high tech communications" domain. The firm deals with the ?higher level of technology' and specializes in the domain of "standard mobiles". The company provides phones that contain all the advantages of an actual mobile, such...

06 août 2008

U.S. law - Examples and cases of violations of Article 82 (abuse of dominant position)

Fiche - 2 pages - Droit européen

Article 82 of the consolidated version of the 1997 EC Treaty, prohibits the abuse of dominance by one or more companies located in the EU or in a substantial part of it. In order to be considered, this abuse must affect trade between the member states. Article 82 is currently being reviewed by...

15 Mars 2013

Confessing antitrust criminals: The art of juggling with carrots, sticks and transatlantic disturbances

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Droit autres branches

Fighting cartels is not an easy business to be in. Companies operating cartels are of course very much aware of the illegality of their conduct under the antitrust laws. For that reason, cartels are typically operated in secrecy and considerable efforts are devoted by the participants to...

18 juin 2010

Le principe de force obligatoire

Mémoire - 29 pages - Droit des obligations

Les notions de force obligatoire et de force contraignante sont parfois confondues, il apparaît nécessaire de les distinguer. Le Vocabulaire juridique de Gérard Cornu définit non le terme de « force contraignante » mais le terme « contraignante ». Il le définit comme l'exercice d'une contrainte...

17 juin 2008

La mise en oeuvre des recommandations du GAFI dans l'ordre juridique communautaire

Dissertation - 39 pages - Droit international

Devenue aujourd'hui un combat d'intérêt supérieur pour la communauté internationale, la lutte contre la délinquance financière est plus que jamais au cœur de l'actualité. A l'origine, elle visait essentiellement le blanchiment des capitaux illicites qui, selon le Fonds monétaire...

08 févr. 2010

The clash of universalisms, Corporate abuses of human rights and international corporate responsibility

Dissertation - 14 pages - Droit international

Economic History is a discipline not so distant from Law when it comes to understanding the complexity of relations mingling with the power of National States expressed by their faculty of producing law within a territory, and that of commercial enterprises. French economic...

20 Janv. 2010

Should the state restrict the right of individual to hunt?

Dissertation - 2 pages - Libertés publiques

The claim is to prove that people who want to hunt need a restriction which should come from the state. Since the mists of time, human beings have been hunting. At the beginning, it was necessary to survive, to eat and to feed one's family. Nowadays, things have changed and to speak about...

14 avril 2010

The French Conseil Constitutionnel: In comparison with Constitutional Courts

Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit constitutionnel

I believe that constitutional courts play a major role in legal systems. After the introduction of the 'Conseil Constitutionnel' in 1958, Louis Favoreu, a public law teacher, claimed, 'L'Etat de droit est désormais complet en France'. Indeed, it is often considered that...

03 févr. 2011

CAVEJ L1 Anglais juridique

Cours - 222 pages - Droit autres branches

Wales remained a separate entity from England until the 16th century. Wales is composed of a number of principalities (principautés) with distinct characteristics. Those differences resulted in various conflicts until the middle Ages. Fortunately, in 1536, the Act of Union integrated together...

11 Janv. 2010

Right to life

Cours - 3 pages - Libertés publiques

Over the centuries, the religions and philosophies of the whole world firmly followed the act of taking away human life. The international law of Human Rights tried in its turn to change this perspective with a number of treaties to protect human life against the arbitrary actions of...

13 mai 2003

The european integration process and the institutionalisation of integration

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen

This first lecture deals with the different approaches that can be followed in order to study the European integration. We focus our attention on three different way of studying: 'disciplinary' approach, 'theoretical' approach and finally 'political' approach. The...

08 Mars 2007

The consecration of the patient's autonomy

Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit autres branches

Pain, suffering and death are to some extent, inevitable in human life, though Health care must always seek to eliminate unnecessary suffering and untimely death. But it is easy to recognise that prolonging the process of dying us often undesirable. The difficulty encountered by medical teams is...

25 avril 2008

Essay on restitution obligations throughout Europe

Dissertation - 18 pages - Droit européen

Restitutionary obligation is the response to unjust enrichment. Unjust Enrichment at the expense of another must be restituted in order to secure a corrective justice. On this very basis restitutionary, as opposed to compensation, aims to deprive the defendant of a gain rather than to compensate...

02 mai 2007

Duress and undue influence

Mémoire - 25 pages - Droit des affaires

"It is assumed that the parties know their own minds, that they are the best judges of their own needs and circumstances, that they will calculate the risks and future contingencies that are relevant, and that all these enter into the bargain. It follows that unfairness of the bargain - gross...

13 Nov. 2001

Joint ventures: constitutional problems

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit des affaires

The analysis in this document is sought to analyze and assess the problems of constitutional significance' in the field of ?joint ventures assessment' under EC competition law. Therefore, we shall hold a systematic chronological order of reasoning manifesting the complexities in...

12 mai 2007

Explain and discuss the effectiveness of the EC Treaty provisions concerning state aids in preventing distortions to the operation of the single market

Dissertation - 12 pages - Droit européen

As recognised by the EC Treaty, state aids are important and necessary policy instruments to achieve social and economic goals. However, depending on the way in which they are given, State aids can have a material impact on competition, leading to significant distortions to the common market. An...

30 Sept. 2008

The two equality directives of 2000: False-twins

Mémoire - 43 pages - Droit européen

2007, the “European Year of Equal Opportunities for All” in the European Union ended a few months ago, stressing on the question of the current anti-discrimination law in the Union. This initiative of the Commission took place in a general movement of the European Union toward a...

31 mai 2021

Introduction au droit social : les relations individuelles de travail

Cours - 25 pages - Droit du travail

Étymologiquement, le terme vient du latin tripalium (tripalius), désignant un instrument de torture à 3 poutres destiné aux esclaves. Il renvoie ainsi à la souffrance, la pénibilité du travail, la servitude, la subordination… Le contrat de travail se dénommait sous Napoléon "Contrat de...

13 Janv. 2022

Introduction au droit bancaire : nature et sources

Cours - 19 pages - Droit bancaire

Qu'est-ce que le droit bancaire ? C'est le droit qui régit l'activité bancaire. Mais que recouvre l'activité bancaire ? C'est l'activité qui consiste à permettre la circulation de la monnaie. Le visage du droit bancaire va en conséquence évoluer avec la forme que va...

27 Janv. 2009

The evolution of human rights enforcement

Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit international

The end of the second world conflict has set the beginning of the institutionalization of Human Rights at a world scale: the previous events have indeed made most of the country think about a way to reach a world consensus about basic rights that each single human being could expect to be given...

31 Janv. 2010

Copyright of employed persons' creations

Fiche - 11 pages - Droit autres branches

In Australia, the copyright law gives the creator or the author of a piece of writing the first ownership of copyright. In fact, section 35(2) of the Copyright Act 1968 provides that: "Subject to this section, the author of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work is the owner of any...

10 Sept. 2007

From Russia with Love: Lessons of the Noga arbitration case

Mémoire - 20 pages - Droit international

Globalization is the new buzz word and the lingua franca of international business. With the numerous advantages flowing through globalization, this new process is taking a new shape by getting more critical and unyielding. To elucidate further on its uphill spin, an onlooker can observe its...

06 mai 2010

Le travail à temps partiel en vertu de la législation polonaise du travail

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit européen

Part-time work is one of the most important forms of employment connected with the promotion of flexibility of working time. It relates to a wider phenomenon - the flexible, nearly free from labour law legal regulations, human resources management performed and modified according to the...

30 juil. 2015

Le juge judiciaire doit-il accueillir la théorie de l'imprévision ?

Mémoire - 41 pages - Droit autres branches

« Peut-on encore aujourd'hui promettre un fait ou une abstention dans l'avenir, par définition non advenue ? » Hauriou, en 1910, dans la première édition de ses Principes de droit public, présente le contrat comme : « l'entreprise la plus hardie qui puisse se concevoir pour établir la...

21 Sept. 2010

Comparative study - sociological and legal perspective over the national and the EU policies in France, Sweden and Spain

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Droit européen

Professional immigration in France is organised in such a manner to complete the needs of companies and to be adapted to France's accommodation and working capacities, while taking into consideration economic situation in the country. France does not formally distinguish immigrants on the ground...

25 Mars 2010

European Court of Justice, September 17, 2007 - Abuse of dominant positions

Commentaire d'arrêt - 6 pages - Droit de la concurrence

On September 17, 2007, the European Court of Justice issued a ruling concerning the litigation between Microsoft and The European Commission for anticompetitive behavior. It all started on December 10, 1998, when Sun Microsystems lodged a complaint with The European Commission arguing that...

17 Nov. 2024

Les moyens juridiques et le contrôle juridictionnel de l'action administrative

Cours - 78 pages - Droit administratif

L'administration poursuit deux buts : exercer des missions de service public et maintenir l'ordre public (police administrative). Pour pouvoir exercer ces missions, l'administration dispose de différents moyens qui se combinent. On peut en lister au moins 4. D'abord,...