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Thème juridique : Common Law

Common Law

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26 Mars 2009

Co ownership in Land Law

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit civil

In the year 2000, there were three sisters Hermione, Iris and Jocasta, who inherited their mother's house property. The house was transferred in their joint names and they simultaneously gladly occupied their respective portions. A squabble broke out between Hermione and Iris which resulted...

11 avril 2010

Is a link with morality necessary for positive law to be valid law?

Fiche - 2 pages - Histoire du droit

Nowadays, a lot of examples show the will of imposing ethical values into life and law. One of the best illustrations is the introduction of the Convention of Human rights in 47 countries. There are many theories about the meaning of Law that can be dispatched in two groups named...

24 Sept. 2008

Human rights - Beyond the universalistic / relativistic paradigm: how to promote a common and cultural-sensitive approach ofmoral principles

Dissertation - 14 pages - Libertés publiques

This article underlines the limitations of the relativistic/universalistic paradigm in regard to the human rights qualification. It defends a third path which consists in a genuine intercultural dialogue, taking into account local specificities in order to promote common moral principles....

10 mai 2010

Public international law - the problems associated with the proliferation of international judicial bodies

Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit international

Since the end of the Cold War, a new phenomenon in international law has surfaced: the proliferation of international judicial bodies as a consequence of the increasing number of treaties. More than just a numeral observation, there have been changes concerning the nature and competences...

09 déc. 2005

Implementation of European Law in a federal state: The Belgian case between coherence and autonomy

Fiche - 9 pages - Droit européen

‘Ultimately the impact of EU rules depends on the willingness and capacity of Member States authorities to ensure that they are transposed and enforced effectively and fully and on time' (Graver) . This statement from the European Commission in its White Paper on Governance deals with the...

25 févr. 2002

To what extent does the history of Community competition law mirror the history of the Community itself ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit européen

To evaluate how community competition law reflects the integration process and the history of the Community in general, I shall demonstrate in a first part that community competition law was first strongly influenced by the development of the Union, then I shall explain why it is...

11 Oct. 2000

The Relationship between international law of human rights and international law applicable to armed conflict

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international

In the modern scenario, the protection of human rights has found its rightful place in international law. It has been a revolutionary reform, as it had no significant place a few decades ago. The international law applicable to armed conflicts (also called international humanitarian...

04 avril 2008

International business laws, fictive case

Étude de cas - 22 pages - Droit des affaires

In the report, we should keep in mind the future international development of PI and its necessary entry in stock exchange. Considering the data, we could say that PI has to penetrate the international market by considering different laws and juridictions. Even if the KU is a corrupted...

28 avril 2010

Conflict of laws and Crossborder litigation What is comity?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international

Comity, first referred to as comitas gentium by Ulrich Huber in the 17th Century, literally translates to courtesy of people. It provides, in fact with an intellectual and legal justification, the recognition of a foreign law by a sovereign state without weakening the sovereignty of the...

02 mai 2007

International law and normative unity

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international

In the Supreme Court of Canada's 1993 judgment in Hunt v. T & N Plc, Justice La Forest laid down the following goal to international law : “develop (…) co-ordination in the face of [the] diversity” of the international system. In other words, international law has to...

17 juin 2014

Introduction to the Challenges of European and French Law in Legal Informatics

Dissertation - 15 pages - Droit européen

The " new technologies " which appeared thirty years ago and are characterized by a considerable development are subject to fundamental legal questions. The definition of new technologies remains vague and includes the information and communication technologies. The information and communication...

30 Janv. 2008

Parenthood in French law and filiation

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit de la famille

The purpose of this paper is first to understand French parenthood, namely the way to be the legal father or mother of a child. Investigating further, we will see whether the current legislation is modern enough or not, which will be our main question. Indeed, some scholars and politicians think...

10 mai 2010

Constitutional law applicable in the Anglo-Saxon - parliamentary sovereignty

Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit constitutionnel

One of the key characteristics of British Constitution is the dominance of the Parliament. The Parliament is the main legislative body in British Constitution. It is bicameral; and is composed of two chambers, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The main functions of the...

14 mai 2008

Difficulties of application of international law - Example of the Cambodia genocide

Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit international

This paper will show to the reader the difficulties which can appear in practice concerning the international criminal law. Indeed, several problems can occur. First of all, one has to know what the aim of the international criminal law is and we have to define what is the...

16 Mars 2009

Critically discuss the contributions of the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) movement to international legal scholarship

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international

After the World War II and its atrocities, a new international institution, the United Nations (UN) was created in 1945 to focus on the new challenges faced by the international community. One of the major challenges was the wave of decolonization which started between the two World wars. It was...

28 avril 2010

Conflict of laws and Crossborder litigation - The slavery issue and the conflict of laws

Dissertation - 6 pages - Histoire du droit

In the field of the conflict of laws, slavery is often perceived as the most difficult question which the courts had to face. Indeed, it is hard to have an indifferent view on the issue, as it involves matters of philosophical, humanitarian, moral, political and economic considerations,...

08 août 2005

The Objectivity and Universality of International Human Rights Law : Two of its Utopian Claims ?

Dissertation - 9 pages - Droit international

The question of human rights and their consequences in the natural and objective scenarios are relative to the cultural context in which they arise. In this document, we will demonstrate how even if the instruments of Human Rights international Law try to defend a universal conception of...

28 févr. 2022

Fondements du droit anglo-américain - Force du précédent et revirements de jurisprudence

Dissertation - 6 pages - Histoire du droit

« Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt », décision Roe. v Wade, 1973. Contrairement aux systèmes de droit romano-germanique, le revirement de jurisprudence en matière de Common Law n'apparaît pas comme un instrument d'adaptabilité du droit. Si les juges...

13 mai 2014

UK Company Law: Minority Shareholders Protection

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Droit international

Northwest Transportation Company Ltd v Beatty (1887): the case involving ratifying breach of duty regarding self-dealing. The courts held that controlling shareholder-director can vote in favour of ratifying the breach. However, there are two restrictions: (i) directors cannot commit...

29 Janv. 2024

La jurisprudence est-elle une source principale ou accessoire du droit ?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit civil

Depuis des siècles, l'évolution du droit a été marquée par une tension entre l'écrit et le non-écrit, entre la loi et la jurisprudence. La question de la place de la jurisprudence dans la hiérarchie des sources du droit est aussi vieille que la jurisprudence elle-même. La jurisprudence,...

05 Nov. 2021

L'exception britannique est-elle toujours d'actualité ?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit constitutionnel

L'exception de la Grande-Bretagne se reflète dans son système politique, en particulier parce que sa constitution matérielle couvre toutes les normes juridiques liées à la décentralisation et à la hiérarchie des normes et au libre exercice du pouvoir. La constitution dépend de la culture...

18 mai 2009

How European Law Is Made?

Fiche - 1 pages - Droit européen

The European Union was created in 1992 by the Maastricht treaty. It is a structure which includes the European Community and its law which is by far the most important of EU laws and deals with economic and social rights. In addition to it, other sources of law complete the...

22 août 2008

International business law: final assignment

Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit international

I am the president of Natural Vitamins Inc ("Natural Vitamins?) which manufactures and sells all-natural vitamins and food supplements in the United States, mainly through chiropractors. I founded the company with David and Corinne, owning about 65% of the capital all together. Our company,...

26 Mars 2009

Misrepresentation in Contract Law

Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit des obligations

Jemma, was a restaurant owner. She decided to shift from London to the countryside. In order to execute this move, she attended an auction in Borehampton with an idea of purchasing ?lot 69.' This ?lot 69' is described in the auctioneers' catalogue as ?a perfect development opportunity...

09 déc. 2023

Les fondements de l'État de droit et les aménagements de la séparation des pouvoirs

Cours - 26 pages - Droit constitutionnel

Les règles de droit établissent l'ordre juridique nécessaire pour former une société organisée, avec le droit constitutionnel comme base, encadrant les institutions et préservant les libertés fondamentales. Le droit est intrinsèquement lié à la morale, jouant un rôle crucial dans...

05 juil. 2009

The difficult application of canadian criminal law in Nunavut

Thèse - 57 pages - Droit international

With its creation in 1999, the new territory of Nunavut hoped to solve the social and economical problems it was facing. For the second time in the history of the Poles, indigenous people were given the right by the government to decide their future. The first Inuit to be recognized were the...

08 Oct. 2023

En quoi l'évolution du rôle du juge dans la pensée juridique américaine constitue-t-elle un renouvellement profond de la théorie du droit dans son ensemble ?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit autres branches

La place du juge dans un système de common law, à l'instar de celui des États-Unis, est particulièrement centrale, dans la mesure où le précédent jurisprudentiel y constitue la source de droit la plus importante. Pour autant, la doctrine juridique y a longtemps déconsidéré le...

26 Mars 2009

Contract Law: Wivenhoe Cycles Ltd and Easy-Transport plc

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit des obligations

On the 14th of July 2007, Wivenhoe Cycles Ltd wrote to Easy-Transport plc of London to provide a feasible advice on the lowest price for 100 units of Raleigh bicycles to be delivered on the 1st of September 2007. It so happened that Easy-Transport plc of London reverted the following day, to...

29 Nov. 2009

Business Law - The Contract

Dissertation - 3 pages - Droit des obligations

A contract has been concluded between an undergraduate student in moder language, Mandy, and Limited Horizons Holiday. The company wanted to engage Mandy to act as its representative for its Majorcan Culture Holidays, for a summer season, for a sum of £3.000 and accommodation, food and travelling...

14 Oct. 2023

La jurisprudence est-elle une source légitime du droit ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit civil

Les théoriciens sont partagés quant à la question de la place de la jurisprudence, parmi les sources du droit. L'enseignant en rapprochant fortement loi et jurisprudence, semble admettre cette dernière en tant que source du droit. D'ailleurs, il fait essentiellement référence à la...