Le droit de la succession d'Etats et le respect des obligations contractuelles de l'Etat succédant : actifs et dettes privées
Cours - 72 pages - Droit international
Le phénomène d'apparition et de disparition d'Etats, issu de la succession d'Etats, ne se produit pas fréquemment. Il se situe généralement dans un contexte historique particulier, comme nous pouvons le constater à travers les âges. C'est ainsi que, pour les Etats...
The future of the EU - Federalization: a far-reaching goal of European integration ?
Dissertation - 11 pages - Droit européen
The debate on the future of Europe originated from the Nice Treaty. Two years ago, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer re-launched the idea of a European federation, which he called a "federation of nation-states?. The notion of "federation of nation-states? was inspired by J.Delors'...
The evolution of European judicial cooperation in criminal matters since the Maastricht Treaty
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
This project intends to examine the objectives of judicial cooperation throughout the European Union (hereinafter EU) and the area of freedom, security and justice to ensure a high level of security by mutual recognition of judgment concerning criminal matters. Attention will be drawn to how...
The Supreme Court of the United States : a single institution in its kind
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit autres branches
The Supreme Court of the United States (sometimes colloquially referred to by the acronym SCOTUS) is the highest judicial body in the United States and leads the judiciary. Established in 1789 by the Constitution of the United States, the Supreme Court is at the same time, the referee of legal...
Critically discuss the contributions of the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) movement to international legal scholarship
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit international
After the World War II and its atrocities, a new international institution, the United Nations (UN) was created in 1945 to focus on the new challenges faced by the international community. One of the major challenges was the wave of decolonization which started between the two World wars. It was...
Exploring the hypothesis that at the centre of a unified and coherent theory of international justice is the idea of the duty to protect." Terry Nardin, "International political theory and the question of justice", 464
Commentaire de texte - 1 pages - Droit international
Terry Nardin explains in this article his theory of the duty to protect. As far as he is concerned, the major issues are a better definition of the issues of international justice and a solution to the problem of enforcement in international justice. The international justice issue is two-fold:...
« In an EU of 25 members, all the old certainties will disappear. Discuss. »
Fiche - 6 pages - Droit européen
Europe has 15 member states. If the European Union is enlarged, it will not be the same at a bigger scale. The sphere of action of the European institutions is changing and it has to be adapted to a brand new structure. The socio-economic disparities between the Europe of 15 member states and the...
Copyright of employed persons' creations
Fiche - 11 pages - Droit autres branches
In Australia, the copyright law gives the creator or the author of a piece of writing the first ownership of copyright. In fact, section 35(2) of the Copyright Act 1968 provides that: "Subject to this section, the author of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work is the owner of any...
International business law: final assignment
Dissertation - 16 pages - Droit international
I am the president of Natural Vitamins Inc ("Natural Vitamins?) which manufactures and sells all-natural vitamins and food supplements in the United States, mainly through chiropractors. I founded the company with David and Corinne, owning about 65% of the capital all together. Our company,...
Comparative study - sociological and legal perspective over the national and the EU policies in France, Sweden and Spain
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Droit européen
Professional immigration in France is organised in such a manner to complete the needs of companies and to be adapted to France's accommodation and working capacities, while taking into consideration economic situation in the country. France does not formally distinguish immigrants on the ground...
L'État, les acteurs et la participation politique
Cours - 93 pages - Histoire du droit
Ce document comporte des fiches qui résument un cours de droit portant sur l'État et reprenant les idées majeures forgeant cette notion.
Comparative study of the cohabitation contract in Greece and the PACS (Civil solidarity pact) in France
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit de la famille
We are going to see the differences and the similarities between the recent cohabitation contract in Greece and the PACS in france which are forms of civil union, marriage. This comparative study will be based on the greek bill about the cohabitation pact and the french bill concerning the PACS....
The American Criminal Legal System
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit pénal
The historical importance of the rule of law, which is one of the main values of the Founding Fathers, can be highlighted in this essay. However, recent trends show that Americans tend to be less confident with regard to their system than they used to be. OJ Simpson's case has well revealed...
Cours complet: Introduction au droit constitutionnel
Cours - 52 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Le droit constitutionnel moderne a un triple objet. Tout d'abord, le droit constitutionnel a pour objet de décrire les institutions politiques, d'étudier les problèmes juridiques qui les concernent, d'exposer quelles sont les bases constitutionnelles des institutions administratives...
The Right to Strike within the Dutch Industrial Peace in the Light of International Conventions
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Droit du travail
The Dutch Constitution was updated in 1983 and now contains a list of fundamental social rights. The recognition of those rights, even though it is late, has had a strengthened impact on the fundamental rights concerning the labor law in the Netherlands. Furthermore, since the 1960's, the...
Les class actions
Mémoire - 70 pages - Droit civil
Henri Motulsky enseignait que le litige n'aurait beau être qu'un aspect du droit, celui-ci se pratiquant quotidiennement en dehors des tribunaux, l'efficacité des droits voire même leur nature profonde, ne s'éprouve réellement que dans la lutte judiciaire, puisque la notion de droit disparaîtrait...
Labour unions in the United States
Fiche - 2 pages - Droit du travail
Trade unions in the United States were first organized in the early nineteenth century. The main purpose of a trade union is to collectively bargain with employers for wages, hours, and working conditions. We can define labour union like an association, combination, or organization of employees...
The Commission white paper on a European communication policy, an analysis of the conceptual and political issues at stake
Dissertation - 7 pages - Droit européen
While it symbolized the failure of national politicians, the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty by the French and Dutch citizens in the referendum of Spring 2005 left the European establishment under the shock: it was evident that both the continuous strengthening of the European Parliament's...
Euthanasia / mercy killing : right to die in dignity or murder ?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Droit autres branches
Euthanasia or mercy killing is literally defined as "the practice of ending the life of a human who is incurably ill in a minimally painful way in the purpose of limiting suffering specially by a doctor or under his control." Euthanasia also concerns the act performed by anyone to help someone...
International law: history and definition
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit international
Truth is that international law is neither a myth on the one hand, nor a panacea on the other, but just one institution among others which we can use for building of a better international order (J. Brierly, The law of nations, Oxford 1995). Law is a system of rules that is kept and...
?The Council of Ministers: key decision-maker and guardian of national interests' discuss
Dissertation - 8 pages - Droit européen
Before starting discussion of the role of the Council, one should point out the paradox on which the Council is built. The Council aims to be both a key decision-maker and a guardian of national interests. In that view, being a guardian of national interest might affect the credibility of the...
Le consentement aux soins en psychiatrie : les hospitalisations forcées - publié le 09/01/2009
Dissertation - 99 pages - Droit autres branches
La nécessité d'un consentement du patient aux soins qui lui sont prodigués est devenue au fil des années un acte obligé. Ni le patient, ni le médecin ne peuvent s'y soustraire. Au nom des droits du premier, au nom des devoirs du second, cette quête du consentement est la nouvelle donne de...
Le consentement aux soins en psychiatrie : les hospitalisations forcées
Dissertation - 85 pages - Droit autres branches
La nécessité d'un consentement du patient aux soins qui lui sont prodigués est devenue au fil des années un acte obligé. Ni le patient, ni le médecin ne peuvent s'y soustraire. Au nom des droits du premier, au nom des devoirs du second, cette quête du consentement est la nouvelle donne de...
Droit de la concurrence approfondi (niveau Master)
Cours - 180 pages - Droit de la concurrence
Ce que l'on range sous les termes de droit de la concurrence est très vaste d'autant que l'on se doit de présenter le droit interne et communautaire qui, dans de nombreuses hypothèses, est applicable directement par les juges nationaux. Sans refaire une introduction dans la mesure où...
Unfair Terms in contract
Dissertation - 5 pages - Droit des affaires
Seller Ltd ("Seller?) is a manufacturer and seller of lifting equipment. Buyer Ltd, ("Buyer?), provides heavy goods vehicle servicing. On 1 July 2006 Buyer requested a copy of Seller's brochure and this was sent by post and received by Buyer on 3 July 2006. Tom, a representative of Buyer...
Arbitrage international et pays en voie de développement
Cours - 39 pages - Droit international
Travail de fin d'étude examinant les relations tendues entre l'arbitrage international et les pays non-occidentaux, principalement les pays arabes et la Chine. L'étude examine de façon critique si les craintes de partialité des arbitres internationaux en faveur des contractants...
International business laws, fictive case
Étude de cas - 22 pages - Droit des affaires
In the report, we should keep in mind the future international development of PI and its necessary entry in stock exchange. Considering the data, we could say that PI has to penetrate the international market by considering different laws and juridictions. Even if the KU is a corrupted country,...
Cool Phone's Case Analysis
Dissertation - 6 pages - Droit des affaires
This study involves a scenario where you are the vice-president of a 75-person company ("Company") in the fictional French-speaking country of Euphoria, whose capital is Anytown, whose legal system closely resembles that of France's, and which is party to the CISG. The company designs and...
Les fondements de l'État de droit et les aménagements de la séparation des pouvoirs
Cours - 26 pages - Droit constitutionnel
Les règles de droit établissent l'ordre juridique nécessaire pour former une société organisée, avec le droit constitutionnel comme base, encadrant les institutions et préservant les libertés fondamentales. Le droit est intrinsèquement lié à la morale, jouant un rôle crucial dans...
The role (present and future) of the European Court of Justice in the protection of asylum-seekers in the European Union
Dissertation - 13 pages - Droit international
The European Court of Justice has laid down a legal Act pertaining to the judicial protection towards asylum seekers. However, this act is not completely flawless. Even if all the Member States ratify the new constitution and it be made effective thereafter, the future of the asylum seekers along...