Exploring the hypothesis that at the centre of a unified and coherent theory of international justice is the idea of the duty to protect." Terry Nardin, "International political theory and the question of justice", 464
Commentaire de texte - 1 pages - Droit international
Terry Nardin explains in this article his theory of the duty to protect. As far as he is concerned, the major issues are a better definition of the issues of international justice and a solution to the problem of enforcement in international justice. The international justice issue is two-fold:...
Justices turn to rights of defendants
Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Droit international
Nowadays, choosing a lawyer, and finding how to defend one-self, is more and more essential, as the lawyers have the fate of the defendants in their hands. But what happens when the defendant is not satisfied with his lawyer, or when the lawyer does not do his job properly? Are lawyers and...
US Supreme Court rules evidence admissible despite police error
Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Droit international
In this day and age, society is becoming increasingly reliant on computer technologies. The police are no exception to that rule. But what happens when the database gets it wrong? This is what an American journalist, Daniel Nasaw, discusses in this article, which was published in the British...
La conclusion des traités et la Convention de Vienne de 1969
Commentaire de texte - 4 pages - Droit international
Comme le fait remarquer Jean COMBACTEAU, « le système international est à la fois organisé légalement et anarchique. ( ) Dans ce contexte, l'acte conventionnel se voit assigner une place encore plus éminente que dans l'ordre juridique interne. » Parmi ces actes conventionnels, le traité...
La situation des individus en droit international
Commentaire de texte - 4 pages - Droit international
La place de l'individu dans l'ordre juridique international est des plus discutée au plan doctrinal. D'une manière générale, l'individu est considéré comme un sujet exclusif du droit interne et, en tant que tel, ne saurait bénéficier directement des règles du droit international. Le lien de...