Questions corrigées - Régime de la SNCF
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Droit des affaires
Ce document contient la réponse aux questions suivantes : 1) Dans quel contexte et dans quelles conditions l'ouverture de la SNCF à la concurrence internationale doit-elle s'opérer ? 2) Expliquez le changement de statut des agents de la SNCF, quelles sont les solutions proposées à ce...
Critical assessment of the contribution of Rome II to the subject of choice of law in tort
Étude de cas - 12 pages - Droit des affaires
The Rome II Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations(hereafter referred to as Rome II) was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on July 11th 2007. It was the result of a long process that started in 1967 with the preparation of the Rome Convention,...
Assessing the impact of parental marital status in relation to Irish child law: should Constitution be amended?
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Droit des affaires
It cannot be contested that a person born outside marriage, is a human person, equal to one born within marriage . In this statement, Justice Walsh points out the differential treatment between marital and non-marital children which is derived from the Irish Constitution. By letting...
The challenge of financial crisis to economic of development: impact and solutions- the case of Argentina
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Droit des affaires
The Argentine crisis means the great economic and social crisis that took place in Argentina between 1998 and 2002, whose consequences are felt even today. The Argentine authorities in early 1990 had chosen the technique of the currency board to stabilize an economy with inflation almost...
The Salomon case
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Droit des affaires
Since the Salomon case, the doctrine of separate corporate personalities constitutes the corner stone of British company law. Thus, a properly incorporated company is considered as having a legal personality of its own and ought to be treated as a legal entity distinct from its shareholders even...
International business laws, fictive case
Étude de cas - 22 pages - Droit des affaires
In the report, we should keep in mind the future international development of PI and its necessary entry in stock exchange. Considering the data, we could say that PI has to penetrate the international market by considering different laws and juridictions. Even if the KU is a corrupted country,...
Accor vs. Overture: Intellectual Propriety vs. Searching engine's adwords
Étude de cas - 17 pages - Droit des affaires
The introduction of an article should provide the reader with a short explanation of the issue to be discussed, a summary of what will be discussed in the paper, and a general idea of what the author's viewpoint on the issue is, and possible solutions to resolve the issue. In January 2002,...